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GWU company wants private beach at Ghadira
By James Debono
Ghadira Bay, the most popular sandy beach for working class families, may have part of it sectioned off if a company co-owned by the General Workers Union gets it way.

Xaghra Labour mayor was Ramla developer’s company secretary

Muscat falls to 1.6% as PN hits all time low

Mugliett offers resignation, Gonzi turns it down

Cachia Caruana tells Brussels to point its finger at Libya

‘I want Carmel Cacopardo, not some Minister’s canvasser’



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Forgotten ancient temple leads to ‘inspection’ at Lufhansa Technik site

From loony left to radical right

BA fines AN member over racist comments

Insurance scam turns ugly for conned neighbour

Internet works wonders for Italy’s first-time tourists

Elderly dying of heat – does it have to be literal to shock?

Chaplains offer sympathy, not limits on festa fireworks

MUMN never had a meeting with health minister

Bleeding nurses dry
Mater Dei may be a state-of-art building but it won’t function as a hospital until 200 new nurses are recruited, says the president of the Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses Paul Pace. In the meantime, experienced nurses are leaving the profession because of burnout and the health minister is nowhere to be seen By Karl Schembri


The Archbishop and Fr Peter – a clarification

Mater Dei – the children have been left behind

Tips for tourism

Notaries’ code of ethics pending

Listen, Labour MPs!


Illegal employment in the Ghajnsielem local council

In appreciation of Chevalier Attard

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Political incorrectness and hypocrisy


Losing your religion with Alabama Joe
- Saviour Balzan


Valletta parking mess
- Anna Mallia


The year of the smart ass
- Michael Falzon


The Julian Manduca Award






MediaToday Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 02, Malta
Managing Editor - Saviour Balzan
Webmaster - Kevin Grech