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This is my truth, tell me yours* Ever wondered how to solve all the world’s problems to the benefit of absolutely everybody... while at the same time also maximising your own power and influence over the entire Universe? “I would like to make an appeal (the Archbishop said) so that there will be continually more references to the values that emerge from the Truth which should be the basis for our society... There is need (he continued) for us to have a common orientation regarding that which constitutes the Truth, otherwise it will be filled with other, different influences. A common and clear idea about the Truth will allow us all to have a criterion with which to compare our own actions, and to enter into dialogue with others...” What? No, no, I’m not making it up. That is exactly what he said: and if you don’t trust my own translation, here it is in all its original glory: “Jiena nixtieq li nagħmel appell biex dejjem iktar isiru referenzi għall-valuri li joħorġu mill-Verita’ li għandha tkun il-qafas tas-soċjeta’ tagħna.... Hemm bżonn li jkollna orjentament komuni ta’ dak li jikkostitwixxi l-verita’, għax inkella jimtela b’influwenzi oħrajn differenti. Ħsieb komuni u ċar tal-Verita’ jippermetti lil kull wieħed u waħda minna biex ikollu kriterju ma’ xhiex jipparaguna l-għemil tiegħu u jidħol fi djalogu ma’ oħrajn.” “There is need for us to have a common orientation regarding that which constitutes the Truth, otherwise it will be filled with other, different influences...” Yes, I suppose it makes perfect sense. In fact, the logic is nothing less than breathtaking, and I can’t wait to apply it during my next exchange of opinions: “Now look here: this is how I see this particularly issue, OK? And if you don’t see it exactly like I do, then you and I will be in disagreement with each other, and that constitutes a ‘problem’. You don’t want to cause problems, do you? So tell you what: why don’t you just renounce your own opinion on the matter, and simply accept my own view instead? This way, the ‘problem’ will be avoided, and we will all live happily ever after...” Honestly. Can you imagine if Archbishop Paul Cremona were appointed permanent UN envoy to the Middle East? How long do you reckon before he single-handedly resolves the entire Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Yes, indeed. I can see our Paul nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize already... But enough of fantasy, and let’s get back to the Archbishop’s peculiar notions of national identity, and his expectations for national consensus. Let’s close an eye at the astonishing naivety, whereby Mgr Cremona seems to seriously think it is really possible for EVERYONE to just agree on any one particular issue – still less the notoriously ineffable issue of “The Truth”. At a stretch, let’s all pretend we were already seated at that table, passing around the tea and biscuits, and all of us, without exception, is willing to reach an agreement on “what constitutes the Truth” once and for all, for the greater good of all Mankind. The question arises as a matter of course: whose “Truth” should we all agree upon? Well, the options are many and various. How about we start with... Islam? That’s a religion which claims to be “True”, isn’t it? And in essence, it’s not all that different from the “Truth” so many of us believe here in Malta. You have the same central character called “God” – real name “Allah” – who manifested Himself to a Prophet named Mohammad, via an Angel named Gabriel, resulting in a book entitled the Holy Qu’ran. Erm... maybe not. OK, so perhaps Islam wasn’t such a great idea after all. So tell you what: let’s just accept the Christian version of the same “Truth” – which by an amazing coincidence also has a central “God” character, and who similarly manifested himself to prophets (several hundred over the space of around 4,000 years, in fact), resulting in a book called the Holy Bible. Only in this case, He also went on to become incarnate, appearing on Earth in the form of a man who was also a God... who died and then rose again... and who will one day come again to judge the living and the dead. And if these “Truths” are insufficient to tickle your fancy, you can always experiment with any number of alternatives – all of which were (and in some cases still are) “True” to untold millions of people around the world. To these extravagant ideas one must also add the Native American “Truth” – i.e., that the entire universe was “thought” into existence by a giant Feathered Serpent; or the almost identical “truth” according to the Jatravartids, who believe that the same universe was sneezed out of the nose of a Supreme Being called the “Great Green Arkleseizure”. Or how about the Vikings’ “Truth”, whereby heroes fallen in battle are automatically eligible for a special VIP membership pass to the Everlasting Feast at Valhalla? While we’re at it perhaps could also throw in the slightly less credible “Truth” offered by the Church of Scientology, which maintains that... Oops! Sorry, can’t tell you until you’ve reached level 12, and have bought at least $120,000 worth of special Tom Cruise vouchers... But there you have it. As you can see, this planet of ours is simply bursting with “Truths” of every shape, size, colour, fragrance and improbability factor levels... and quite possibly the oddest “Truth” among them all (which, unlike all-of-the-above-except-one, is actually very “True” indeed) is that in spite of all the incontrovertible evidence around us, there are still those who have somehow managed to convince themselves that their own “Truth” is somehow more “True” than everybody else’s. Strange, but “True”.
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