

Letters | Sunday, 18 April 2010

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Luqa monument issue – get real!

I struggle to adequately articulate on the absurdity of the Luqa Local Council which is only now, five whole years after it’s construction (dare I say erection?), and immediately prior to the Pope’s imminent visit to Malta, objecting to and demanding the removal of this column monument located on the roundabout near Lidl Supermarket and the once-Mambra shop, which coincides with the Pope’s route from the airport. The Luqa Council calls for the immediate removal of this monument on the grounds that, presumably, this structure will offend the moral sense and fragile sensibilities of Pope Benedict. Well I put it to this council that a removal is called for… However, this should be applied to the disgraceful child-abusing, sexually-molesting priests currently enjoying the benevolence of their protector-in-chief, the very same Pope Benedict, who has chosen to studiously ignore such claims against his brethren and in fact totally gloss over these serious and largely corroborated accusations without justification, even threatening excommunication to prospective whistle-blowers.
This monument column, regardless of one’s opinion of its aesthetic qualities (or lack thereof), is only obscene or graphic if one’s mind is in the gutter and is merely the unfortunate love child of an aggregate mix of cement with Viagra, along with a minor explosion in a paint factory. To resolve this dilemma, the Pope’s route could be subject to a detour or else, the offending monument may be covered up (an option which this Pope will obviously be fully au fait with). However, upon reflection, this may be an inappropriate option, given the Church’s propensity to condemn the use of condoms. Finally, I was pondering on precisely how many batteries would be necessary before this monument could glow in the dark or failing that – actually vibrate. Get real.

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