TOP NEWS | Sunday, 22 July 2007
Guess who is doing the asking for Presidential pardons?
Six Labour MPs have admitted they have asked for presidential pardons for their clients, in their roles as criminal lawyers – news that will come as sweet music for the Nationalist spin machine...
Labour’s shadow minister for roads has admitted not having passed on detailed information to the chairman of the planning authority, on people he accused of having paid a MEPA official...
Cacopardo does not exclude standing for election The former Nationalist candidate at the heart of MEPA’s opposition to reinstate him in its own audit office is not excluding standing for election.
NEWS | Sunday, 22 July 2007
Government launches Pre-Budget document
ADT prohibits public buses from taking foreign students
History revisited for a government that has forgotten its past
Reduced commission sends travel agents to court
Curia asks MUT for names of schools in gay teachers row
Diving into the deep blue sea
‘Don’t add insult to injury’, Martin Debono tells Joe Saliba
Unhappy tourists lament burgeoning language students
Only 6% of foreign workers hail from Africa
Stability ranking highlights Malta’s migration challenge
Two floors over Knights’ Barracks proposed for Dock 1