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Alfred Sant reveals Mater Dei negotiators’ fees
Karl Schembri
A Board member of the Foundation for Medical Services and a consultant for the same foundation entrusted with the management of the ongoing construction of Mater Dei Hospital are being paid separately by the government to negotiate an opening date and revised fees with the foreign building contractor, Skanska...


“Our religion is being hijacked by a small minority of extremists” – Islamic leader

While Mintoff asks for more, former MP has lost several million Liri

Warden’s relationship with ex-prisoner raises eyebrows

MEPA chairman travelled by car on Car Free Day


Ministers deny offering Inquisitor’s Palace to Mintoff

Government unsure of amount owed to individuals for land expropriation

Water under the bridge

Neighbours fear damage to their property

No news manager yet for PBS as newsroom is evacuated

Handshake with Gaddafi: Too little too late?

Malta House in Brussels: still no reply on tax and security

MEPA will deliver golf course recommendations by end October

Blame for gas shortage has to be shouldered by Enemalta directors - former manager


Lifting the veil
Chanting Koranic verses, Muslims in Baghdad are beheading infidels in the name of Allah while other Muslims say Islam is about peace and tolerance, so which is the true Islam? The question is put to Sheikh Mohammed El Sadi, the Imam of the Maltese Muslim community - By Karl Schembri


Rubbing shoulders with world greats
Kenneth Scicluna is an up-and-coming film director and was lucky enough to be chosen as Malta’s representative in a project initiated by Zentropa the Scandinavia’s largest film company co-founded by famous ‘Dogme’ director Lars von Trier.

Will malta be a bridge to the south?
Karl Schembri
takes our promise to bridge Europe with North Africa seriously and foresees some problems

Small is Beautiful
Saviour Balzan takes a historical and cultural perspective at Malta and the Maltese

The day Europe became one
Kurt Sansone recalls the day in Copenhagen when the EU of 25 finally became a reality

Waiting for Europe - the long march to emancipation ….
Matthew Vella leaves no stone unturned in underlining the aspirations of that very small but anxious libertarian core of Maltese voters

Is Europe a Christian bastion?
European identity has been moulded by its deep roots in Christianity, is this still valid? Julian Manduca ask




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Reaching consensus
It was a belated appeal albeit a welcoming one, that made by Prime Minister Gonzi when addressing the Party faithful during the Independence festivities on Monday...


Not that different after all
Reading through contemporary history one cannot hope noticing the transformation of people from left to right, from liberal to conservative, from atheistic to overly religious, and vice-versa of course. - Saviour Balzan

Muddles and Boggles - Karm Farrugia


Making the connection - Harry Vassallo


Prime Minister needs Nike -Claire Bonello


Tony Formosa's world of sports
Brian Clough wore the Floriana colours


Malta joins chorus of disapproval of Sarkozy’s tax proposal

Financial services praised all around at MFSA 10th anniversary


No signs of Eritreans being harassed

Time is ripe for a Libyan parliamentary democracy

The Maltese language in Australia

Free those beaches

A great siege of Malta's religious heritage

Divorce and the common good



MaltaToday - Malta’s fastest growing newspaper
Readership of MaltaToday grew by a staggering 152 percent in under twelve months. This is the conclusion of a survey carried out by ‘Informa’ consultants. The survey confirms that MaltaToday is the fastest growing newspaper on the island with 4.3 percent of the newspaper market share compared to the 6.4 percent of it’s main rival, The Malta Independent on Sunday.
MaltaToday stood at 1.7 percent a year ago. The survey was carried out after the elections. MaltaToday’s increased readership is reflected in this newspaper’s sales records which have shot up during the last year. The Malta Independent on Sunday dropped by 6 percent during the same period.

Business Times


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