Lately an email has been circulating claiming that someone had purposely deposited syringes in the sand of two of the most popular beaches. It goes on to say that already three persons have already fallen victim.
Since there is no way of verifying whether these allegations are true or just a prank of a very perverted and sick mind, many people are staying away from these particular beaches. If these claims are true then vandalism has entered a new phase bordering on terrorism.
I think it behoves the authorities to investigate these serious claims and put the Peoples’ mind at rest or otherwise issue a warning as the case may be. In light of all this I think a meticulous cleanup of the beaches is in order.
In Genesis we find in simple language that God created everything in six days and then rested. He created animals not for our sport but to provide food, clothing and other support.
Everything is simple, timeless, and stressless. God created the seasons, day and night, animals, and other beings etc to His pleasure.
As He created the “special” animals in His image, there was an evolution; God evolved Himself through the Holy Spirit while the “special” animals evolved to humans. This completed His plan.
The beautiful Lucifer preferred to “rule in hell than serve in heaven”. This ex-angel worked on the weakness of the first man by utilizing the superiority complex of the first woman, thus by these events the pleasure of God was tarnished and interrupted.
The humans returned to be “animals” and lost their morality and status in terms of heavenly eminence. God’s enlargement plan came to an abrupt halt. However, the humans still had the Holy Ghost’s first breath.
Yes, God was upset and through love he planned the long way to create a super powered Lady to give birth to a terrestrial Son in order to be able to die and find what death is all about. His death had to be public and all had to witness that Jesus Christ had died and “descendit ad inferna”.
Therefore by this Birth, two things have happened; God evolved once more and become a Trinity, secondly it was an event to find a means to defeat death. In two ways our God is different first He is a Trinity and second He forgives.
Maybe the learned opposite forces try to elucidate us through up to date scientific research. Some say they found the tomb of Jesus, other claim He was married in order to prove that He did not pass away and was not Resurrected. We hear that animals were not created for humans. Some use the Human Rights Charter to break God’s plan through abortion, divorce, and other rights which are not in harmony with natural behaviour.
In Europe, God’s plan is being endangered in two ways one by the reverse invasion from the other continents and second by the European Union’s bankrupt moral values, especially through the demolishing the natural family. We cannot reform Jesus Christ. We cannot have tailor made religion.
The blue flag with twelve stars reminds me of our Lady. The Lady’s apparitions were not enough, we must admit that God’s opponents are vast, persistent, various and powerful. The Divine Mercy is asking for an upgraded forgiveness from God. It seems that we are waiting for another evolution from God. Water and blood is coming out from the eyes of the Super Lady, title earned through maternity.
God does not punish through illness and unhappiness, blaspheming after effect is inherited; on the other hand love and faith within a family can work miracles. Our lives have moments of celebrations, the carrying of our mission, but we must have our share of suffering. Yes our God is nearly impossible to understand but it was essential for His Beloved Son to be crucified, so much is His Love for us.
To understand God we need to understand ourselves and our surrounding; each of us is an independent cosmic entity.
We learnt that God is everywhere, yes He is all the people around us. We do not do any favours to God, but He would be sorry to lose us. Jesus Christ gathered the Ten Commandments in one, Love.
It should be noted that Satan is after the human beings and not animals; this proves that Satan is after the Breath. The devil has a “great sale” on inclusive packages going on; we must admit that he has endless queues; it seems that again we have to go in pairs to make door to door campaigns.