The mission of the Ministry for Gozo is to improve the quality of life in Gozo while protecting and improving the cultural, social and environmental characteristics of the island. This in itself encompasses all that which is within our remit in our endeavours to accomplish our daily commitments. Indeed the Government’s vision for Gozo, is that of making it an ecological island, which in itself means that through this transformation the quality of life on the island will certainly be considerably improved. However we can say without any doubt, that quality of contemporary life on Gozo is definitely different from that of a few decades ago. Starting from the aspect of accessibility to the island itself, the standards and frequency of the ferry services are by far removed from those that preceded the introduction of the new ferries. The Mgarr passenger terminal has considerably enhanced visitors’ arrival and departure from Gozo besides resulting in increased security for travellers. This does not only benefit Maltese and foreign visitors to the island, but it has also improved services for the Gozitans who frequently commute between the two islands for work or study.
The projects that were implemented on Gozo in recent years, touched the various socio-economic sectors that affect the lives of all those who live, or in some way, come in contact with the island. Indeed, some of these projects have paved the way for other projects that have been started or will be initiated within the coming months. The €7.2m Waste Water Treatment Plant EU-funded project has had a positive impact on the marine environment around Gozo whilst reinstating San Blas Bay to its natural state. Other environmental friendly projects included the closure of the Qortin landfill, the dismantling of the hospital chimney, the introduction of waste separation and more recently the opening of a civic amenity site. ESF funds were also beneficial to around 855 persons who attended courses to improve their knowledge and employability skills. Some of these courses concerned environmental and agricultural issues such as viticulture, soil erosion, water management and the correct use of pesticides. Others learned basic literacy skills as part of our commitment to provide equal opportunities as well as life-long learning for Gozitans on the island itself.
This would not be possible, were it not for the services established on Gozo during past years. One must mention the service provided by the University Gozo Centre (UGC), which has enabled many Gozitans to acquire University Diplomas and Degrees as well as other certificates through the various courses, organised mostly during the weekends. Amongst other courses, during the coming year the UGC will be offering a course leading to the Diploma in Commerce, which will be partially financed through ESF funds and which will run between October 2009 and September 2010. Another valid contribution towards lifelong learning is being given by the Wistin Camilleri Gozo Centre for Art and Crafts, that hosts a multitude of courses offering various opportunities for participants, from 8 to 80 years old, to increase their proficiency and skills in various subjects and crafts.
Indeed, notwithstanding its geographical dimensions, Gozo today offers many more opportunities than it did a few years back. It does not mean that we are altogether satisfied however one must acknowledge the progress made.
Apart from its natural and historical characteristics Gozo boasts the skills and aptitudes of its human resource, starting from our students, who have continuously attained very good results both at a primary as well as at secondary and tertiary levels. One must mention that there are currently almost 1000 Gozitan students following courses at the University of Malta. Through the initiative taken by the Ministry for Gozo, apart from their stipend, these students and their families benefit from an additional allowance to assist in accommodation and transport costs. During the past year this assistance totalled €700,000 for University students together with a further €66,000 for students attending other colleges or institutes. These students were also refunded with ferry transport related costs totalling over €36,000. The Ministry for Gozo’s Education Division continuously co-ordinates maintenance and refurbishment works in all Government schools within the Gozo College. These services will be considerably improved by the building of a new secondary school for boys, which involves an investment of €7m by the Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools. Educational services in Gozo are complemented by four special schools covering art and crafts, drama, music as well as the Sannat Special Unit for persons with disability. The presence of two MCAST Centres, that have also benefitted through EU-funded projects, increase post-secondary educational and vocational opportunities. These have also been enhanced through the recent opening of the Institute for Tourism Studies.
Tourism is a vital economic pillar, which necessitates due and continuous attention. Indeed the fragility of this industry is more than evident at present, when tourism industries worldwide are experiencing particularly challenging times. For our island, tourism has always had particular challenges, especially that related with seasonality. Through our endeavours together with the stakeholders involved, it can now be stated that Gozo has been acknowledged as a distinct tourist destination. These endeavours also included the tapping of the domestic market that has managed to reduce but not overcome the seasonality element. The promotion of Gozo within niche markets, such as that which targeted the diving niche, has also had a positive effect in attracting and diversifying visitors from the foreign tourism market. We intend to pursue these objectives even within other niche markets such as those related with walking, sports and health.
The Gozo General Hospital caters for most of the health related needs on Gozo. We continuously strive to increase and enhance these services so that this hospital would be in a position to give more and better more facilities. The establishment of a hyperbaric unit within this hospital has proved beneficial both to strengthen the Gozitan diving product as well as to facilitate hyperbaric oxygen treatment for Gozitan patients. We are certain that the ongoing Eu-funded project, which comprises the setting up of a Radiology Unit and the upgrading of a second operating theatre, will also be of benefit not only for Gozitans but also as an added tool to attract health tourism to Gozo.
Other projects such as those related with the enhancement of sport facilities, the continuous improvement of our road network and public spaces together with further courses aimed at increasing employability skills of our human resources, are but a few of the projects that will benefit Gozo through EU funds. We will continue with our efforts to attract investment opportunities in order to create more job opportunities on the island. Other initiatives include the protection and conservation of the island’s natural, historical and cultural heritage that will also continue to foster interest and pride within our communities.
That which we have achieved so far encourages us to continue in our endeavours that will enable us to reach our objectives of providing a better Gozo for all.
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