An inspiring large bold-letter heading in the local papers, announcing the selling of the Malta Shipyards is nothing but a shameful act by irresponsible administrators of other people’s property. This state-owned asset had been a white elephant since it was taken over from the British. But it was also a source from where huge amounts of foreign currency was generated. And it is going to be given away as were the other state-owned assets. Literally given away as the Mid-Med Bank and the Sea Malta were. These were set up with a purpose by the Labour administration in the seventies.
When you look back to the years of the Labour governments – 1971-1987 – when many social services were created, the government also established many state-owned entities because the local entrepreneurs when asked to participate all refused for one reason or other and backed up. So started the setting-up of such entities with the sole intention that their annual gains would go to a sinking fund. Besides helping any ailing entities would contribute and ease the annual budgets towards their upkeep and the social services. In fact, when Labour lost the election of 1987, besides the Lm400 millions in the coffers, some Lm70 million solely for the social services were also left.
When the sun rose for the first time in mid-1987 – according to the PN – and with the election of the PN, instead of strengthening what had been achieved the new government swore that things done during the Labour administration had to be done away with and a new era had to commence. One must remember that whilst in 1971 the Labour government had to begin from scratch and try to find enough money to pay the wages of the civil service personnel, in 1987 the Labour government left a balance of Lm500 million of which Lm70m was the fund for the social services. And all this money was literally squandered in the first few years of the Nationalist administration. So that is why they voiced so vehemently the “money no problem” slogan. But as time went by, money was a very big, huge problem.
We all know what happened during these 20 years of Nationalist government. The balance turned in a deficit of more than Lm1,000 million. And this deficit continued to rise, now standing at €3,130 million, not withstanding the sake of our state jewels to foreigners. It is indeed a shameful act, resorting to the selling of a profit-making-going concern. And shame on the administration that carried out this act irresponsibly. I cannot imagine a businessman selling his hen that is laying the golden eggs. But this is the trend today. This is what globalisation means. This is what the EU is ordering its member states to do. Give, or rather sell all your profit-making entities to the private sector.
And the news of the selling of the Malta Shipyards came out after a Cabinet meeting. This, and the joining the PFP, was done without any consultation with the Opposition. For this is how the new way of doing politics under Gonzi administration is going to be achieved. That as the PN’s catchphrase emphasized, together everything is possible. This is nothing but wishful thinking. But I must say together means ‘those amongst us’, the blue-eyed.
I would like to point out that a good government is a government accountable to his actions and is open to freedom of information, which is one of the key attributes of fundamental credibility to a healthy democracy. One that is ready to consult with the opposition and the Unions when it is of national importance and deeply affects the labour force in general. A supporting openness and accountability in government must keep people informed of the fundamental issues facing this nation. One must not promise that which cannot be implemented if elected. Something that the PN is famous for. Because we have witnessed GonziPN going back on some of them during the first three months, and dare implement that which was never mentioned in the electoral manifesto. The results of the local councils’ elections have given a clear message of a rising public concern about the “official secrecy” that is of national importance. And this protest vote was reflected in lesser turn-out in the general election. Thus, this has evidenced that the government is not functioning as it should. It is one thing to preach democracy and another thing to act democratically.
As they say, democracy is another form of dictatorship!
Louis Fenech
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