TOP NEWS | Sunday, 26 August 2007

Vella’s insinuation shot down

Minister Frendo told MaltaToday that the insinuation made by George Vella, that the minister or Foreign Affairs ministry had received correspondence related to Richard Muscat’s son’s incident in November 2006, was a fabrication.
George Vella, a former foreign minister, said when interviewed by Manwel Cuschieri on Super One that he would like to ask minister Frendo to confirm or deny that he had received any correspondence related to the incident a month after it took place in October 2006.
Last week, Malta’s ambassador to Ireland Richard Muscat resigned after Irish papers revealed a 10 month-old incident which alleged that his son had sexually assaulted an Irish woman.
Michael Frendo who talked to MaltaToday from South Africa, said that the Maltese government had acted at once on learning of the incident and all necessary steps were taken to waive any diplomatic immunity for Muscat’s son.
He added that all the insinuations and questions being bandied about by the Labour party were only meant to sow inventions and untruths.

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