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RCC’s pool on grade A archaeological site

Karl Schembri
Malta’s Permanent Representative to the EU, Richard Cachia Caruana, is building a swimming pool at his Mdina residence over an area that is officially classified to be of the highest archaeological importance where ancient deposits are believed to be buried....




Price of bread set to soar next month

Brussels embassy floors might not be leased after all

Transport minister not too keen on taxi liberalisation


Political media in for a fix

Gonzi rules out rent laws reform in anti-poverty plan

VISET looks forward to record year for 2005

Visa problem drags on… and on

Planning directorate recommends refusal as PM calls for a golf course

A ‘consumer pays tax’

Priceclub directors dismiss claims of wrongful and fraudulent trading

Blue Flags do not fly in Malta

Foreign workers employed at Drydocks as grizzly bear turns to teddy bear


Minister on the move
Jesmond Mugliett, an architect by profession, has been entrusted with the roads and transport portfolio. He is also responsible for capital projects. Here he speaks of his new job that can either make him or break him - By Kurt Sansone


A ‘mad’ drama queen singing to ease pain
Maria Muscat is a well known face to most in Malta – a journalist and newscaster on Super One and a soprano to boot.

Will malta be a bridge to the south?
Karl Schembri
takes our promise to bridge Europe with North Africa seriously and foresees some problems

Small is Beautiful
Saviour Balzan takes a historical and cultural perspective at Malta and the Maltese

The day Europe became one
Kurt Sansone recalls the day in Copenhagen when the EU of 25 finally became a reality

Waiting for Europe - the long march to emancipation ….
Matthew Vella leaves no stone unturned in underlining the aspirations of that very small but anxious libertarian core of Maltese voters

Is Europe a Christian bastion?
European identity has been moulded by its deep roots in Christianity, is this still valid? Julian Manduca ask



Set the entreupreneurial spirit free
Immediately after achieving independence, the Nationalist government of the day introduced many incentives in the form of tax breaks and subsidies to kick start the economy...


What’s cooking?
Rumour has it, and there is not much to prove it, that il-Perit, as he was affectionately known, is not a poor man. - Saviour Balzan

Ambassadors are a Waste - Anna Mallia


Frontiersmen - Harry Vassallo


Art theft in Malta and the scream -Petra Bianchi


Tony Formosa's world of sports
Sharks and Slappers


A leaner, meaner government through ICT use

New CEO for HSBC Malta

Instant access to bank statements with BOV


A disappointing visit to Splash & Fun

What about pension reform for parliamentarians


MaltaToday - Malta’s fastest growing newspaper
Readership of MaltaToday grew by a staggering 152 percent in under twelve months. This is the conclusion of a survey carried out by ‘Informa’ consultants. The survey confirms that MaltaToday is the fastest growing newspaper on the island with 4.3 percent of the newspaper market share compared to the 6.4 percent of it’s main rival, The Malta Independent on Sunday.
MaltaToday stood at 1.7 percent a year ago. The survey was carried out after the elections. MaltaToday’s increased readership is reflected in this newspaper’s sales records which have shot up during the last year. The Malta Independent on Sunday dropped by 6 percent during the same period.

Business Times


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