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Pietà clan attempts to gag MaltaToday
The general public and our readers have voiced their support for MaltaToday as MaltaToday increases its print run this weekend. And more importantly in defiance of their direct employer Joe Saliba, a number of PN employees have shown solidarity with MaltaToday expressing their hope that this newspaper may bring some form of normality back to Pietà...


Salary rise for MEPs debated

Undercover investigator investigated

Libyan dissident: Don’t repatriate my nephew


PN statement on MaltaToday story

George Vella returns to hold focal role in Labour party

Food rotting on the quay cannot find its way to Malta

Horror construction site – one fatal accident and two near deaths

Lessons to be learnt from the Transend excursion

Broadcasting Authority dishes out Lm13,000 for ‘status quo’ report

Gonzi bid to guarantee MEPs’ preferred committees unsuccessful


Disjointed office
President of the Notarial Council Victor J Bisazza is quick on the draw to point out the anomalies which exist in the registration of land by the Joint Office. By Matthew Vella


Sister Act
Charlene & Natasha (Grima) are on a high after placing fifth at the Sunflower Festival 2004 held in Zrenjanin, Serbia last weekend.

Will malta be a bridge to the south?
Karl Schembri
takes our promise to bridge Europe with North Africa seriously and foresees some problems

Small is Beautiful
Saviour Balzan takes a historical and cultural perspective at Malta and the Maltese

The day Europe became one
Kurt Sansone recalls the day in Copenhagen when the EU of 25 finally became a reality

Waiting for Europe - the long march to emancipation ….
Matthew Vella leaves no stone unturned in underlining the aspirations of that very small but anxious libertarian core of Maltese voters

Is Europe a Christian bastion?
European identity has been moulded by its deep roots in Christianity, is this still valid? Julian Manduca ask


The Times they are changing
Would you ever have imagined, editorials in The Times which are critical of the Nationalist government, an Alfred Sant running a low key...


Boy scouts - Saviour Balzan

On the Golf Course -Karm Farrugia


Joe Saliba’s Oscar -Harry Vassallo


MaltaToday will not be silenced -Roger De Giorgio


Tony Formosa's world of sports
FA’s sexy romps rocks the F.A.


Global Group, Lombard Bank increase profits

Air Malta revenues up 3.5 per cent

Monetary conditions ‘stable’ over Q2 - Central Bank


Material from bring-in sites remains separated

We do not remix our waste



MaltaToday - Malta’s fastest growing newspaper
Readership of MaltaToday grew by a staggering 152 percent in under twelve months. This is the conclusion of a survey carried out by ‘Informa’ consultants. The survey confirms that MaltaToday is the fastest growing newspaper on the island with 4.3 percent of the newspaper market share compared to the 6.4 percent of it’s main rival, The Malta Independent on Sunday.
MaltaToday stood at 1.7 percent a year ago. The survey was carried out after the elections. MaltaToday’s increased readership is reflected in this newspaper’s sales records which have shot up during the last year. The Malta Independent on Sunday dropped by 6 percent during the same period.

Business Times


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