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News • August 1 2004

We do not remix our waste

We refer to your article entitled “ECO-BLUNDER: Separate your Waste only to have it remixed” that was carried in MaltaToday’s edition of Sunday, 25 July, 2004 (page 1) whereby it was alleged that the contractor responsible for the collection of waste from recycling banks at WasteServ bring-in sites is mixing the waste at collection stage. We strongly object to what has been said in your article and would like to clarify this situation.
Greenlines Environmental Services Ltd. has been contracted by WasteServ, and prior to the incorporation of the said company by the responsible Government department, to supply and maintain waste banks for the collection of recyclable waste since 1998. The contract lays down certain conditions intended to assure that the contractor does not resort to any unacceptable practice such as was mentioned to in your article. Moreover, WasteServ representatives carry out spot checks on our collection vehicles on a regular basis. As said in your article, no irregularities were ever found.
The waste that is collected from recycling banks is taken to the Sant’ Antnin Recycling Plant where it is received and checked by WasteServ personnel. Receipts for the discharged waste are given and we are ready to allow anyone who would like to analyse them to do so. Mixed waste cannot be dumped at the Recycling Plant and is to be discharged against payment at Ta’ Zwejra. It would be unreasonable for us to dump at Ta’ Zwejra against payment when we can access the Sant’ Antnin plant free of charge.
Apart from the collection of separated waste from recycling banks, we are contractually obliged to clear any general waste that is dumped in the area around the waste banks. A separate collection truck is used for this purpose and this general waste (which at times includes mattresses, domestic appliances, old furniture etc. etc) that is collected, is discharged at Ta’ Zwejra (against payment).
Anyone who would like to contact us may do so on 79492356.

John A. Said
Greenlines Environmental Services Ltd






Newsworks Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 02, Malta