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News • August 1 2004

PN statement on MaltaToday story

The PN Administrative Council sent the following statement to MaltaToday: The Nationalist Party Officials and the members of the Administrative council categorically deny the allegations published in an article in MaltaToday on the front page of the 25th July issue carrying the title, “PN leaked Dalli story to MLP”.
It is clear that the political agenda of MaltaToday is to damage the Nationalist Party by inventing, repeatedly every Sunday, such unfounded claims. It is a blatant untruth that Nationalist Party officials are passing information to the Malta Labour Party. It is also a total lie that Nationalist Party officials were in an office rejoicing at John Dalli’s resignation from Minister as the newspaper report alleged. In its hurry and attempt to cause damage, MaltaToday even committed a mistake in the date of John Dalli’s resignation. All this shows a lack of seriousness and professionalism of the newspaper in question.
The MaltaToday report lacked credibility completely. It was not substantiated in any way, as not even one official was mentioned by name. MaltaToday was not in a position to mention any names, any places or offer any details because the report was an imaginary one and not based on facts, the spirit of serious journalism. We expect to be given concrete details instead of wishy-washy allegations flung at random.
Apart from the denial, libel proceedings were instituted against the editor of MaltaToday, Saviour Balzan, in order to give him full opportunity to substantiate his unfounded allegations.




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