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News | Wednesday, 07 April 2010 Issue. 158

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Till text do us part...

Almost 40% of young people secretly check their partner’s mobiles and read their text messages behind their backs, Illum survey reveals

Privacy be damned: an Illum survey, carried out last week and published on Sunday, reveals that over 38% Maltese people aged between 18 and 34 admit to checking their partners’ mobile phones and reading their private text messages behind their backs.
For reasons which may have to do with techological prowess, this trend of checking one’s partner’s mobile is considerably less popular with older age brackets. Thirteen percent of those aged between 35 and 54 and only 3% of those who are 55 years and older do the same with their partners’ mobile.
The survey also reveals that there is no apparent difference between sexes, as it is precisely the same percentage of both men and women who keep an eye on their partner’s mobile phone communications.
The survey was carried out among 253 persons who are both in a relationship and use a mobile phone. Of the total, 17% replied in the affirmative when asked if they ever checked their partners’ mobile phones.
This also shows that the Maltese are less curious or jealous than the Australians in this regard. A survey carried out by Virgin Mobile Australia showed that 33% of the Australians spy on their partners by checking text messages on their mobiles. According to the survey, 75% of young persons who checked their partnerss’ text messages found out things they did not know before. It also emerged that one in 10 ended their relationship because of suspicion or evidence of infidelity.


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