Welfare agency outraged at lack of awareness on domestic violence
Matthew Vella
The national welfare agency Appogg yesterday express its outrage at the lack of public outcry against the murder of two women by their former partners.
In a statement, Appogg said neither the media, nor the authorities, nor the general public had expressed indignation over the killings.
Two murders took place in the space of a few weeks, both reportedly committed by the former partners of the victims. Appogg said the women were not victims of crime, but they had been attacked by men they had relationships with.
“These femicides must not occur – they must be prevented. Why has there not been such a reaction? Is it because of a lack of awareness as to what these crimes really were, or because of the old myth that these occurred in a ‘private’ context, a ‘family dispute’ and so it is not a matter of public concern?” the agency said.
Appogg called on the police and other support agencies to act upon reports of victims who seek protection from domestic violence.
Maryanne Gauci, Appogg manager for adult and family services, was critical of the prevailing attitude to blame women over domestic disputes.
“One wonders if the public out there is asking about what these women did to ‘provoke these men in doing such things’. I truly hope this is not the case. If it is, the message has to be loud and clear: the victims are not to blame, but it is the perpetrators who must take responsibility and seek help for their controlling, violent behaviour.”
Gauci said femicides are one of the extreme forms of domestic violence. “They are about a man having power and control. Studies show that in the majority of femicide cases there was some form of physical domestic violence, including threats in the relationship prior to the murder. The perpetrator had control over and dominated the victim. There may also be substance abuse involved on the part of the perpetrator which increases the risk factors,” she said.
Gauci said such tragedies had far-reaching effects on children and relatives of the victims. “These perpetrators have deprived children of a mother to grow up with, to love them, care for and nurture them; and of a father (who) end up in jail.”
Both murders involved women who had been targeted as victims by estranged partners from whom they were separated.
“Research and statistics show that femicides as an extreme form of domestic violence mainly occur during the phase of separation or divorce. This is because the perpetrators in such abusive relationships have issues of control, and they may also ‘suffer’ from morbid jealousy; the motive for the killing can be, ‘if I can’t have her no-one else can’. They cannot accept that these women no longer want to be in a relationship with them due to the violence and control they have experienced in some form or other in the relationship.
“These perpetrators may also have some form of psychopathic tendencies, or borderline personality disorder. Whatever the reason or motive for the murders, they needed help, and they needed to have taken the responsibility for seeking this help. Had they done this, these femicides may also have been prevented.”
Gauci appealed to men who feel they might have controlling behaviour issues to consult their doctor or a psychologist, or psychiatrist, or contact Appogg on 22959000.
She also appealed to victims of violence to confide in trusted family members and friends and make a report to the police.
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