It is really quite okay if someone collates personal data and information and passes it on to someone else.
What is this fuss all about? After all, the person who coordinated a meeting between party officials and public officers was only Paul Borg Olivier.
Since when do we castigate someone if he is a Nationalist or more importantly Paul Borg Olivier? I mean let us face it, Pawlu is really a nice guy and even though he does not really look like Secretary General material he should not be taken to the cleaners.
And as good old Michael Falzon said on Xarabank, when he received an email that was supposed to be sent to the other Michael Falzon, he chose not to publish the details after the person who sent him the email phoned him up to keep the content to himself.
Perit Michael Falzon admitted that the contents of that email had nothing to do with data sharing. So why didn’t he stay at home to watch a spaghetti western.
To have a good enough reason to hit out at someone one must fall into one of the following categories.
1) A Labourite
2) Not a friend of a friend.
3) Not an apologist.
4) Not someone with a double barrelled surname
5) Looks ugly.
6) Dresses up like a hammallu.
7) Pronounces Teeth like Teat.
8) Eats at a resto by moving the head towards the plate.
9) Likes to listen to Maltese folk music.
10) And has a father who was a dockyard worker.
So to even suggest that Paul Borg Olivier did something incorrect is really out of the question. In fact Paul or PBO as he is affectionately known should only be picked on because he does not know how to use Outlook Express.
BUT is it such a big deal that a professional under 40 does not know how to use Outlook Express? I mean let us face it, why should the secretary general know how to use email?
So please stop this attempt to destroy Paul Borg Olivier. The man is such a fiery intellectual and such a charismatic and organised political animal that just because he planned to illegally share personal data does not mean he should resign.
Surely this kind of data sharing was not created by PBO, before he even dreamt of becoming a secretary general other secretary generals must have organised the same kind of meeting. But then the other secretary generals either did not have email or more significantly knew how to use Outlook Express.
Indeed once again, I feel that we should appreciate the criteria that should lead one to perhaps consider resigning. So to understand what or which case constitutes a good enough reason for resigning, I have taken the liberty of underlining those actions that definitely do not constitute a resigning matter and those that do. Any references or resemblances to real characters are of course purely coincidental.
The following cases should highlight the differences between a resigning matter and a non resigning matter:
Number 1
Non resigning matter
If as minister responsible for Fisheries and MEPA you spend a holiday on a yacht with a controversial Tuna farm mega businessman!
Resigning matter
If as minister responsible for Fisheries and MEPA you spend a holiday on a yacht with a controversial Tuna farm mega businessman and do not inform Richard Cachia Caruana.
Number 2.
Non resigning matter
If as minister responsible for sewage you state that a sewage tax will not be introduced and then declare that you will introduce a sewage tax.
Resigning matter
If as minister responsible sewage you state that a sewage tax will not be introduced and then declare that you will introduce a sewage tax but do not inform Richard Cachia Caruana.
Number 3
Non resigning matter
If as Secretary General you organise meetings with public officials and data is to be shared without the individuals consent
Resigning matter
If as Secretary General you organise meetings with public officials and data is to be shared with the individuals consent and do not inform Richard Cachia Caruana.
Number 4
Non resigning matter
As minister responsible for MITTS, you discover that all passwords to 20,000 government emails are stolen.
Resigning matter
As minister responsible for MITTS, you discover that all passwords to 20,000 government emails are stolen but do not inform Richard Cachia Caruana.
Number 5
Non resigning matter
As Minister of Finance you issue direct orders at Mater Dei three months before the election..
Resigning matter
As Minister of Finance you issue direct orders at Mater Dei three months before the election. But fail to inform Richard Cachia Caruana
I could go on but I think that these repetitive references to Richard Cachia Caruana would put undue stress on the man who wishes to become Malta’s next European Commissioner even though most of the PN cabinet secretly think he should not be the one.
The last part of this opinion article which is penned with RCC in mind, refers to the game of perceptions.
To give an example I would like you to compare the following three photographs.
Look at the pictures on the next page carefully and answer all the questions by ticking at the right answer. The answer will lead you to separating old Labour from new Labour. And will effectively help you understand how all the PN apologists who love their tummy more than their brains arrive at classifying Labourites.
Who is the most handsome of the three?
a) Karmenu Vella
b) Toni Abela
c) Gunter Verheugen
Who served as minister under Mintoff, KMB and Sant?
a) Karmenu Vella
b) Toni Abela
c) Gunter Verheugen
Who did not speak out against political violence in the eighties?
a) Karmenu Vella
b) Toni Abela
c) Gunter Verheugen
Who was referred to in an investigation in the infamous Mid-Med Bank Scandal?
a) Karmenu Vella
b) Toni Abela
c) Gunter Verheugen
Who was not kicked out of the MLP and did not allege corruption?
a) Karmenu Vella
b) Toni Abela
c) Gunter Verheugen
Who preaches socialism but lives like a Tory?
a) Karmenu Vella
b) Toni Abela
c) Gunter Verheugen
Who has the most interesting hair-style?
a) Karmenu Vella
b) Toni Abela
c) Gunter Verheugen
Who would win a beauty contest?
a) Karmenu Vella
b) Toni Abela
c) Gunter Verheugen
Answer to all your questions: Karmenu Vella.
Therefore Karmenu Vella is a perfect example of New Labour and as expected Toni Abela and Gunter are old Labour. Abela to be precise is old Labour even though it is abundantly clear that he is not. But who cares.
Remember when mud sticks, nothing will wash it away.
I was going to write a letter to Natalino Fenech who is the head of news at PBS. I thought that I would share the contents of the letter with our readers.
Dear Natalin,
I hope this letter finds you in good spirits.
I must really congratulate you for last Tuesday’s programme Dissett. I know now why you chose to only invite two specialised speakers on the programme on Tuna farm ranching. The Tuna story is one big embarrassment for this government and most especially for Joe Borg and Ritchie Cachia Caruana – the latter as we both know is Malta’s next choice for the post of European Commissioner. What a choice eh?
Profs Agius and Dr Joe Borg (not to be confused with the Commissioner) were the two illustrious figures chosen to participate in Dissett and the fact that they have worked closely with the fishing industry and are not at all linked to green groups means that they can offer a balanced and objective view. Being close to the Tuna industry means being more credible and truthful.
I can also understand why MaltaToday was never mentioned in this programme – our newspaper has only mentioned the topic over 50 times in the last 26 weeks. So I do not see why we should be involved.
I am sure you have good reasons to ignore MaltaToday. Since I have known you, I have always respected your fair appraisal of the other media. Envy is not something that surfaces in your vocabulary.
I am sure that the programme did nothing to support or abet the tuna industry. Indeed I am consoled by the fact that when it comes to relaying the truth you are ‘simply the best.’
Natalin, keep up the good work, and if anyone accuses you of being the government’s gatekeeper, show them your middle finger. I am sure you are the same Natalino I knew when we were young. I am sure that today (as all our former colleagues know) you have matured to become Malta’s most leading objective and independent news editor.
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