
Letters | Sunday, 02 November 2008

Gozo Channel: what a service!

On Monday 13 October, the Gozo ferry service at 6am from Mgarr to Cirkewwa was once again performed by the MV Ta’ Pinu.
This is becoming the Monday rule. On Mondays, Gozo Channel Company Limited frequently operates either the MV Ta’ Pinu or the MV Gaudos, leaving the MV Malita for the 6.30am trip, whilst during the other working days of the week it would operate the Malita for the 6am service and either of the other ferries for the 6.30/6.45am service. The same applies when the Malita operates during the night for possible increased number of commuters (e.g., during some cultural activity in Gozo) and in the morning, the early trip is performed by the smaller ferries leaving drivers stranded for a further 45 minutes and thus reaching their place of work by 8.30am.
This is completely contrary to any logic, as statistics and reality show that the number of cars crossing at 6am is by far higher. Is it possible that no one within the Company’s management or its learned Board of Directors has realised that queues of cars are left behind when the ferry departs at 6am? Or that the ferry (Ta’ Pinu or Gaudos) is already packed with cars by 5.45am, and yet waits until 6am to leave so as to respect the time schedule for passengers and those privileged few who have been given the right to jump the queues?
As a matter of fact, two empty car spaces are reserved on the ferry until almost 6am so as to accommodate these latter passengers up to the last minute! How right is George Orwell’s statement that “All animals are equal but some are more equal than others”!
It’s a shame that the Management of the Gozo Channel Company Limited operates the MV Malita at 5am hours from Mgarr to Cirkewwa when its upper deck is an absolute necessity during the 6am service.
Rather than speaking out flatteringly about the increased number of passengers and cars crossing, the Gozo Channel Management should speak, or rather think about, improved efficiency in its service unless they suffer from the monopolistic syndrome.


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