I refer to Saviour Balzan’s comments in last week’s edition of Malta Today.
This is not the first time that Eric German has been targeted by the KRS. Their attitude towards his honesty and integrity as an independent (rather than ‘out for freebies’) critic is confusing, to say the least. Why bother inviting critics to write reviews, when all you want is a rating from three stars up? When all they care about is reams of writing to support advertising placement, or free advertising full stop?
I for one absolutely did not agree with German’s review of ‘Sex and the City’, for example. He reviewed it like most British heterosexual male critics did. Nevertheless, as Balzan himself writes regularly, I definitely respect his right to say it: that was his view, and I, as a reader, am intelligent enough to decide one way or the other. As a result, I both enjoyed the film (immensely) and German’s writing.
Criticism and the criticised product can live together. And indeed, in a democratic society, they should. Like many others, I am a product of Prof. Saviour Catania’s brilliant and impassioned film theory lectures. He thought most films were utter crap. He was probably right.
Film critics spend most of their time watching tat and then come across a brilliant exemplar once in a while. It’s the nature of the cultural product whether it be film, theatre, music or food. If critics start saying everything is good, then there is something seriously wrong with their credentials. Maybe they had none to begin with.
What shocked me most in KRS’s refusal to allow German to review was the lack of collegial support from other ‘reviewers’, who are now starting to show their true colours. Many years ago, when I reviewed films for The Malta Independent, in as candid a manner as German’s, and KRS pulled the same trick on the same person, all film critics refused to attend any more previews. German was our hero. As a result, KRS had to re-invite him back, whether or not they liked it when he slated their films.
Reviewers, where are your balls? Why all this? To watch a couple of free films a week? What a fiasco. What lack of seriousness and respect for the metier. What utter arrogance. All this could only come about through having a monopoly and people who are weak enough not to complain about it, when their responsibility is just that.
M. Farrugia,