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Wojtyla – a Pope full of contrasts

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Mugliett defends ADT chief in face of damning evidence
Karl Schembri
Uncovering a web of complicity, corruption, cover-ups and incompetence, the inquiry into the Transport Authority’s bribery scandal has revealed shocking management malpractices that have widened responsibility much further than admitted so far by Transport Minister Jesmond Mugliett.

Pricey relocation for publicly funded authority

Aggrieved couples let down by Pullicino’s new scheme

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Sant pledges free vote on development extensions

“You are destroying my country”, Halim’s desperate words

Italian politician alleges ulterior motive to remove Casino di Venezia licence

Sudanese loses teeth after soldiers mistake him for someone else

PM against commercial development in Qui-Si-Sana

Political parties resist the costly sound of music

Tal-Papa earmarked for social housing by Sant commission

Possible accounting irregularities at iSoft

Border games: Tough talk in a sea of uncertainties

Labour’s no to coalitions derailed electoral talks

Health director told how Parnis breached health centre rules

Drunk examiner charged only after MaltaToday story

Pushing for the great leap of openness

Voice of Muscat to be heard tomorrow in VOM scrutiny

Former PBS editorial board chairman slams PBS commercialisation

For & Against: Attack on Lebanon

Minority retort
Hunters’ federation secretary Lino Farrugia says Malta’s hunters are a minority who should be defended from Brussels’s intention to repeal the government’s derogation from the spring hunting ban
by Matthew Vella

How do we as a people choose to remember the second World War? What do we remember? Why do we remember that and not other things, events, issues?

Business Today on Sunday

MCA collects Lm9.2 million, mostly from telecommunications operators

Mobile phone rates for Maltese customers travelling abroad

Pensions - quiet before the storm

MALTANOW is published by MediaToday of Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann, Malta

It is distributed free to all leading hotels, restaurants, bars, health clinics, public places, Air Malta club class and cinemas.
It is inserted free in Malta’s leading newspaper MaltaToday on the first Sunday of every month



A coward’s castle


From Beirut to King’s Cross
- Saviour Balzan



Malta’s hypocrisy on divorce
- Anna Mallia


Who guards the guardsmen?
- Michael Falzon



Campione d’Italia’s territory

Whose bodies?

The PM should apologise

The Church and gambling

On gambling

Unfortunate holiday

Disappearing votes


Pensions, no problem?

Air Malta and LCCs

Expensive and stressful Air Malta flight

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Webmaster - Kevin Grech

MaltaNow newspaper edition

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MediaToday Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 02, Malta
Managing Editor - Saviour Balzan