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Archaeological sites opened to development

MPs declare interests in development concessions

James Debono
Part of an area identified by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority as having archaeological importance, has been proposed by the government for inclusion in the new development boundaries.



Illegal excavations threaten St John’s Co-Cathedral

Gonzi - new development zones “transparent”

Police ask for reappointment of Norman Lowell racial hatred case


Attard Montalto absent from committee

Munxar petards put school children at risk

Half of MPs declare interest in new development boundaries proposals

New American embassy included in development zones

75% of sex abusers let off in 2005

Cristina: sentencing in sex crimes “leaves much to be desired”

Under lock and key – the Church’s sex abuse investigations

Lights, music, action: staging Lawrence Gonzi’s government

Plastic money: it comes at a cost

No inquiries yet with Malta over Buffon betting connection

Just 200 students studying Malta’s modern history

Tormentor of the establishment

Freeport still suspicious for US over WMDs

For & Against: Is the increase in sites allocated for building development justified?

Cracking Dan Brown’s code
Bishop Emeritus Nikol Cauchi today finds more time to complete the books he started, but says he sells far less books than Dan Brown whose Da Vinci Code is simply “full of idiocies”
by James Debono


A Man in Nature
Erika Brincat visits Thailand and talks to businessman Joseph Xuereb about the creation of an Eco-friendly Bamboo Plantation. Thailand is known as the land of smiles and we are greeted by warm-hearted, friendly people wherever we go, so it is no surprise that Joseph has chosen Pattayaís outskirts as his second home.

Business Today on Sunday

Privatising efficiently and effectively

At Lm95 million, Maltacom heads east

CBM says Maltese lira is only legal tender

Bond oversubscribed

MALTANOW is published by MediaToday of Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann, Malta

It is distributed free to all leading hotels, restaurants, bars, health clinics, public places, Air Malta club class and cinemas.
It is inserted free in Malta’s leading newspaper MaltaToday on the first Sunday of every month



Let’s smash the racist menace


How to stop an extremist and deal with the Red Brigade
- Saviour Balzan


Nightmare in Italy
- Anna Mallia


Votes first and foremost
- Evarist Bartolo


Why Martin Degiorgio thinks he’s Jim Morrison
- Claire Bonello


Pensions: adequacy vs later retirement

Property business merry-go-round

Slack security

Art and Critics

Shameful cabinet decision

An alternative view

Semantic somersaults

Tax on unexpected profits

Josie Muscat and Marsaskala council

Where are the forces of justice?

Gratis publicity for Lowell

Too many ministers!

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