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Wojtyla – a Pope full of contrasts

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Cabinet unconvinced of proposal to shrink Malta’s rescue area

Karl Schembri

A proposal made by Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg to the cabinet to shrink the vast search and rescue area around the Maltese islands by some 70 per cent is expected to be shot down by his colleagues in the coming weeks, MaltaToday can reveal.



Yanks worried over weapons of mass destruction threat at Freeport

Sliema residents to be charged for parking


Strasbourg court gives prisoners the chance to vote

Outrage as Arts Council scraps Francis Ebejer award

Chalet ‘spacecraft’ shot down by planners

PN prepares its blitz

RCC admonished by Swede for insult, Leo Brincat claims

Dumping soil on proposed ‘golf course’ site is incompatible says MEPA

How to cut stipends and not alienate students, by Louis Galea

PN smiles as GWU militants vote to keep Tony Zarb

Howdy pard’ner

Bordonaro slip unfolds questions over US military in Maltese airspace

Sale of Ta’ Qali counting hall to US revealed by Business Today confirmed

Gonzi’s dismal score as minister

Tom and Jerry Banned after MaltaToday investigation!

Malta’s bizarre Iraqi deal

Gonzi offers desalination technology to Palestinians


Brussels’s most hated man
There is no love lost for HANS-PETER MARTIN, the MEP who single-handedly burst the bubble on Europe’s well-oiled gravy train when he taped MEPs signing in, and sodding off by Matthew Vella

Sports Talk

Basketball’s highs and lows
Kevin Grech talks to Basketball Association President Antonio Mizzi and discovers that interest in the game is on the rise by Kevin Grech


Pastizzi, punk style
The affable 29-year-old Dino Mifsud Lepre is closer to the sweet Neil rather than the uncouth punk Vivian in The Young Ones


Freedom of gaming services
By George M. Mangion

Farsons appoints senior management

FIMBank launches term deposit accounts

MSE Index breaks a new high

Tourism association dismayed at MTA’s missed deadline

For more Business news log on to

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Time to show leadership
The result of this week’s GWU elections comes hardly as a surprise.


Just imagine
Just imagine’, goes the advert radioed out to the world by Maltco. “Really ta”… just imagine if Harry Vassallo would be the Prime Minister. Or Alfred Sant, if luck comes his way.
Saviour Balzan

Benito is back
- Claire Bonello

The colour black
- Michael Falzon

Feeding the pigeons
- Anna Mallia

Sports Opinion

The right to ask
- Kevin Grech


Floriana park and ride

Will there be flaws in the new rent laws?

Stopping minister Pullicino and MEPA

Pope Luciani documentary

Qui-si-Sana project changes

Visiting Malta

Threat to tourism

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