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James Debono
For the first time in its history, the top post of the General Workers’ Union will be contested by two union heavyweights. Deputy Secretary General Manwel Micallef yesterday announced his decision to contest against his boss, Tony Zarb, for the top job at the helm of the union, in an election
It’s history in the making for the GWU as delegates will be asked to choose between Tony Zarb and Manwel Micallef
Sports Talk
KEVIN GRECH talks to MFA President Dr Joe Mifsud about the incidents with the Croatian supporters last Wednesday
‘Malta Through the Ages’ is a three-dimensional Exhibition of Art, Poetry and Prose currently ongoing at the Valetta Waterfront.
By George M. Mangion
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MALTANOW is published by Newsworks Ltd of Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann, Malta
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It is inserted free in Malta’s leading newspaper MaltaToday on the first Sunday of every month

Malta’s future mega hospital Mater Dei at Tal-Qroqq is home not only to Malta’s financial black hole, it also houses foreign workers who are utilised on various projects on the age-old white elephant.
The village that has become my home is no different to the other small towns that collectively make up what we once called Central Malta. Naxxar is not unique, it is as dirty and neglected as everywhere else.
- Harry Vassallo
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