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Feature - The Pope
Wojtyla – a Pope full of contrasts

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Tony Zarb faces Manwel Micallef’s challenge

James Debono

For the first time in its history, the top post of the General Workers’ Union will be contested by two union heavyweights. Deputy Secretary General Manwel Micallef yesterday announced his decision to contest against his boss, Tony Zarb, for the top job at the helm of the union, in an election



EU kicks ball into government’s court over Spring hunting

Maltacom and go mobile without chiefs as privatisation looms


Attard Montalto’s unimpressive attendance record confirmed

Tonio Borg asked to take action over illegal hunting

Removal of subsidies leads to waste drop as Polidano earns Lm2.6m from disposal

Head of old people’s home fired in mysterious circumstances

Malta Industrial Parks CEO resigns

Patent 1258, an alternative to artificial islands?

Austin Gatt orders PBS to abort proposals on branding and audience surveys

You can only spin decks if the police like you

Shockwaves as shipwreck looters arrested

Feature - Part 3

Ticket to hell

Archbishop Gonzi’s condemnation of the Reds

Divide et Impera: Ragonesi recalls PN during the interdiction

Unholy war: timeline of the interdiction


Park and ride in head on collision

Gozo’s civil servants furious about fast-track posting

Central government sanctions half a playing field

Renewable energy policy to see light of day in October

Italy suspends airline that flies planes without fuel but Malta decides to wait

No contingency plan for possible backlash from angry hunters


Quo Vadis GWU?
It’s history in the making for the GWU as delegates will be asked to choose between Tony Zarb and Manwel Micallef by James Debono

Sports Talk

The game that went wrong for Croatia
KEVIN GRECH talks to MFA President Dr Joe Mifsud about the incidents with the Croatian supporters last Wednesday


Sacred Island
‘Malta Through the Ages’ is a three-dimensional Exhibition of Art, Poetry and Prose currently ongoing at the Valetta Waterfront.


Hobgoblin of little minds
By George M. Mangion

Air Malta subsidiary valued at Lm25,000

Across the board increase in Q2 labour cost index

‘Exceptional’ items: government buys 46 cars

EU25 Industrial production up by 0.1%

Economy grows by 2.4 per cent

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Equal working conditions
Malta’s future mega hospital Mater Dei at Tal-Qroqq is home not only to Malta’s financial black hole, it also houses foreign workers who are utilised on various projects on the age-old white elephant.


*with apologies to Alfred Sant

The village that has become my home is no different to the other small towns that collectively make up what we once called Central Malta. Naxxar is not unique, it is as dirty and neglected as everywhere else.
- Saviour Balzan

A damn good fight
- Harry Vassallo

Blue is the Colour
- Anna Mallia

AD’s paper exercise
- Michael Falzon

Sports Opinion

I don’t think sport is dead
- Kevin Grech


The new Golf Course

Truancy denied

The mouldy right wing and infantile journalism

The state of the country today

Catch those lazy guys

A weak global power

The avian flu eliminators

Out-dated info on di-ve

Small memento

They need your support

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Business Times


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