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Feature - The Pope
Wojtyla – a Pope full of contrasts

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Underwater thieves arrested by police

Karl Schembri

Unscrupulous expert divers looting priceless heritage treasures from the deep sea have been arrested by the police in an unprecedented, wide-ranging investigation, MaltaToday can reveal.



The national interest before human rights - Alfred Sant

Attard Montalto denies truancy figures

Park and ride plans disrupted by Floriana council


Sant slams education plans

Sannat council at a standstill

Curia claims Maltese have not been overcome by racism

Deep underwater, expert divers have plundered our little Titanic

Low deployment at Ta’ Qali was agreed upon by Police and MFA

Wellman goal brings praise from Swede internet gamers

Malta cautious about Europe’s glasnost

St Julians fishermen resist ousting by lands department

St Paul’s Bay secretary to quit council after audit findings

Feature - Part 2

For whom the bell tolls

The river flows, and times change

Across the divide

Golf set to increase value of Hal-Ferh

Malta starts process to extradite suspected human traffickers

Wasteserv caught between two fires


The parting shot
Hunters’ federation secretary Lino Farrugia is facing a lost battle as EU law starts a crescendo not even past allies like Alfred Sant are willing to stop. All the political will the Nationalist government had shown the hunters, has just run out by Matthew Vella

Sports Talk

The game that went wrong for Croatia
KEVIN GRECH talks to MFA President Dr Joe Mifsud about the incidents with the Croatian supporters last Wednesday


A life of art and culture
DAME FRANCOISE TEMPRA, Founder and President of the Malta International Art Biennale, speaks to us about her life’s work in the world of art and culture.



Zeturf court ruling-PMU crack the champagne
By George M. Mangion

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Banning the trap and memories of Stanley Zammit
The decision by Minister George Pullicino, with cabinet approval, to consider the banning of spring trapping and the reduction of shooting at sea is a step in the right direction.


When is criticism not personal? Beats me
There used to be a time when newspaper editors and columnists did not refer to people in their opinions or leaders. It was sort of not the custom.
- Saviour Balzan

You’re taking them to court, not to the cleaners
- Claire Bonello

Shame on the U.S. and on US
- Anna Mallia

The big lie about paradise
- Evarist Bartolo

Sports Opinion

Croatia see red
- Kevin Grech


Strand parking bays for coaches irk Sliema residents

Looking for Michael Gauci


Chromosomes and genes

Realism is not racism

Illegal migration

Bus ticketing shambles

False advertisements

Ruining Marsaskala

Requesting a guarantee from Wasteserv

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Send your letters to: The Editor, MaltaToday, Newsworks Ltd,
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Webmaster - Kevin Grech




Business Times


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