Malta Today





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Feature - The Pope
Wojtyla – a Pope full of contrasts

Current weather conditions

MTA gave Stg55,000 pay-out to London director to avoid court

Matthew Vella

The Malta Tourism Authority paid a GBP55,000 out-of-court settlement to its overseas director for northern Europe in London, John Montague, after Montague sued MTA over “constructive dismissal”.



Gino Cauchi to be removed as Super One Head of News

French snub will cause Maltese tremors

Boarded out are 38% of retiring civil servants


Eighteen groups in frontline to protect Bahrija

Borg reacts to SISMI chief – Malta not a base for Chinese diaspora

Anti-IVF stand wins little sympathy

Mintoff’s national honour awaits collection since 1990

Depasquale’s AFM inquiry still in limbo

Hoteliers want junior minister, Zammit Dimech: ‘it’s up to Gonzi’

CO2 emissions scheme in force, high penalties for breaches

Blackout on Castille Dalli-Gonzi meeting



The Gift of Life
In vitro fertilisation may be the real gift of life for infertile couples, but many want to undermine it. Dr Pierre Mallia, one of Malta’s leading bioethicists, insists that IVF should be regulated, not restricted by James Debono


Stealing time to paint
Victor Manduca is an artist whose work has been lately characterised by his latest exhibition in linear exploits of the likes of Dürer and Blake, in Nicholas de Piro’s words. His pen and ink exhibition, ‘Of Lines and Drawings’, is a new discipline from his last works, and is on display at St James Cavalier in Valletta, until June 12.



Central Bank leaves central intervention rate unchanged

Volksbank‘s accelerator account

Plucking the goose’s feathers


The incinerator

Living by the rules of morality

I am not a conservative

Julian Manduca

Survey shock for MLP and PN leadership

Sliema PN councillors react to Martin Debono

Misinformation from Sliema’s PN councillors

Airmalta’s free tickets to its privileged

Civilised society needs proper sentencing and laws

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Fair to the citizens
Our electoral system has been the subject of controversy for years. Originally drafted by the colonial power, it had the declared objective of dividing the electorate and giving representation to the smaller parties.


The dark ages
There is no end to the troglodyte culture. Enter Sonia Camilleri, the Commissioner for Children who recommends that everyone should try natural methods as an alternative to IVF.
- Saviour Balzan

Yesterday’s men
- Vince Farrugia

We are not welcome in Gozo anymore!
- Anna Mallia

The sorcerer’s apprentice witch hunting
- Harry Vassallo

Labour’s leadership under attack
- Michael Falzon

Webmaster - Kevin Grech



MaltaToday celebrates 5 years
MaltaToday has multiplied eight-fold
“Readers appear fed up of being inflicted with press statements, a constant dose of party politics and spin doctoring. They are still interested in reading good news stories, but they want them to be well presented, articulately written and attractively illustrated. They want to read about society and about what is happening in the world around them And they cannot stand being preached to.”
So ran MaltaToday’s first editorial November 19, 1999, precisely 5 years ago .
MaltaToday was purposely launched as a Friday newspaper; it would later convert to a Sunday newspaper. It was a ploy concocted to avoid unnecessary competition from the giants published on a Sunday.
The front page of edition number one carried stories about ‘Corpses left in bed at Boffa hospital’, ‘No Air Malta flights after 10pm on New Year’s’Eve. Other stories interestingly covered the ‘9.2 million owed to MDC’, ‘Maltese will not be an official language’ and ‘We’re Arabs after all…’.
There were interviews with Joe Dimech, Jesmond Mugliet, John Lowell and footballer Joe Cilia.
The opinion pages were graced with Pierre Portelli, Miriam Dalli and MaltaToday editor then, as now, Saviour Balzan. A satirical column with the theme; ‘Where are they now’ took former Labour minister Joe Grima to task.
The 28 page newspaper also carried an colourful entertainment magazine called ‘This Week’ which has since been replaced.
Starting off with sa

les of less a thousand and struggling to break into the market, MaltaToday five years down the line has multiplied sales more than eight fold and is one of the leading Sunday newspapers. MaltaToday together with The Malta Business & Financial Times is owned and published by Newsworks Limited and both newspapers were one of the first to go online.

Business Times


Newsworks Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 02, Malta