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Feature - The Pope
Wojtyla – a Pope full of contrasts

Current weather conditions


No thrills and frills as Malta pegs itself 100% to the Euro

Kurt Sansone

The road to adopting the Euro as our currency starts tomorrow when the Maltese Lira will be pegged 100 per cent to the Euro at a fixed exchange rate of Lm0.429300 to one Euro...



Runaway Baghdad antiques dealer threatens journalist

Double Oscar winner in court action against notorious lawyer Patrick Spiteri


Malta joins ERM II tomorrow: initial reactions

Libya’s fishing zone coordinates still a mystery

Transsexuals turned away from MCC

Maltese ship register to be grey listed

Gozo electoral district faces possible split

Evarist Bartolo calls for radical electoral reforms

Malta still interested in setting up EU border agency branch

Another Labour MP joins the MLP’s constitutional fray

Contentious questions avoided in case against Prime Minister

Maltarightnow, not quite right

Minors found guilty of violating graves

Asylum policy to be cut down to one year maximum detention

EU newcomers join with full observer MEPs, as Malta waits

Census to be held in November

Chinese will be ‘treated appropriately’ - Embassy

No set timeframe for incinerator replacement

Battle of Britain

Gay rights

The Maltese gay drain

A gay guide to the European Union

I believe in marriage
Sandro Mangion, the co-ordinator of the Malta Gay Rights Movement, wants the gay community to partake in the “richness of marriage”, because as things stand, the gay drain is sending more Maltese homosexuals to more tolerant countries by James Debono


Inspired by bands
After winning the Bice Mizzi Vassallo competition in Malta Stefan Cassar - then 22 - found himself walking through the doors of the Lyon Conservatory.


Strong half year performance by BOV

Banking pioneers honoured by HSBC

Gaming London conference by PKF

ITS launches e-learning centre

Corinthia hosts HelmsBriscoe Symposium



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The European experience
One year on is the time to do a European reality check. A time to analyse our European membership and performance.


How to greet a tourist
There is one statement I made recently which needs revisiting.
- Saviour Balzan

Happy Birthday!
- Anna Mallia

On democratic credentials
- Michael Falzon

Cruel jokes and monuments
- Evarist Bartolo


Leading by example

In defence of priestly celibacy

George McAdam, Tabib: a street name story

Tal-Balal: a Maltese mess

Knowing Jesus

Rape can be forgiven

Show mercy on prisoners

Letters to the Editor should be concise. No pen names are accepted.
Send your letters to: The Editor, MaltaToday, Newsworks Ltd,
Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 07, or e-mail:

Webmaster - Kevin Grech



MaltaToday celebrates 5 years
MaltaToday has multiplied eight-fold
“Readers appear fed up of being inflicted with press statements, a constant dose of party politics and spin doctoring. They are still interested in reading good news stories, but they want them to be well presented, articulately written and attractively illustrated. They want to read about society and about what is happening in the world around them And they cannot stand being preached to.”
So ran MaltaToday’s first editorial November 19, 1999, precisely 5 years ago .
MaltaToday was purposely launched as a Friday newspaper; it would later convert to a Sunday newspaper. It was a ploy concocted to avoid unnecessary competition from the giants published on a Sunday.
The front page of edition number one carried stories about ‘Corpses left in bed at Boffa hospital’, ‘No Air Malta flights after 10pm on New Year’s’Eve. Other stories interestingly covered the ‘9.2 million owed to MDC’, ‘Maltese will not be an official language’ and ‘We’re Arabs after all…’.
There were interviews with Joe Dimech, Jesmond Mugliet, John Lowell and footballer Joe Cilia.
The opinion pages were graced with Pierre Portelli, Miriam Dalli and MaltaToday editor then, as now, Saviour Balzan. A satirical column with the theme; ‘Where are they now’ took former Labour minister Joe Grima to task.
The 28 page newspaper also carried an colourful entertainment magazine called ‘This Week’ which has since been replaced.
Starting off with sa

les of less a thousand and struggling to break into the market, MaltaToday five years down the line has multiplied sales more than eight fold and is one of the leading Sunday newspapers. MaltaToday together with The Malta Business & Financial Times is owned and published by Newsworks Limited and both newspapers were one of the first to go online.

Business Times


Newsworks Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 02, Malta