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MaltaToday special reports

Current weather conditions


Loss of funding feared as PM promises to draw a red line

Matthew Vella

For months in the pre-accession period, the electorate was promised that millions of euros would be siphoned to Malta from Brussels on membership.


Shipyard jobs on the line, says Gonzi

PN chickens out of Zejtun, Marsa elections

In vitro babies may be history


The luxury of owning a gas cylinder

Local council elections: Banned PN and MLP candidates turn independent

For over 75s cholesterol drug comes at a price

Ta’ Cenc to be included in Natura 2000 sites

Pensioners slam parlamentarians for preserving their pensions

Government company buys machinery to produce plastic bags as Minister bans plastic

Boy’s death remains a mystery

Consumers can claim refunds on eco-tax paid at higher rates

Burger King aligns itself to junk food ban drive but McDonald’s not just yet

From an Italianate to a populist party?

GRTU comes out on top after Chamber blocks its office access

Government pushing ahead with plans for Parliament to move to Opera House site

Reference to illegitimacy removed but discrimination remains

BA prime-time political broadcasts irk TVM

Death of a 1980s Trade Union icon



Gozo, land of Giovanna
Giovanna Debono, whose unrelenting hold on Gozo is no match for the pretenders to the throne, talks about the persona of being Minister of Gozo - by Matthew Vella


Theatre is my life
Marc Spiteri has acted in sixteen plays during the first four years of his acting ‘career’ and has made a name for himself as a comic character actor.


Malta ‘actively considering’ OECD membership

City of London Lord Mayor to lead strong business delegation to Malta

ICT crucial for achieving economic progress - Galea



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The haemorrhage at the Shipyards
The latest industrial action called by the General Workers’ Union, later withdrawn following agreement with the management, has placed Malta Shipyards yet again under the spotlight.


Sick, very sick
- “Dott, ghamilli certifikat.”
- “Ghal kemm?Jumejn bizzejjed?”
- Saviour Balzan

A country to live for
- Harry Vassallo

Don’t let the smoke get in your eyes!
- Anna Mallia


Tony Formosa's world of sports
To increase participation in sport, all partners must play a vital part


National audit report slams government

Manage your own bills

For the sake of righteousness

Advice to pacemaker patients

Labour imposes Publio in Floriana as, Nigel retaliates

Stop the killing plans

The true motivations behind EU integration

Why is recycling plant not moved to Hal Far?

Divorce is a real option

Letters to the Editor should be concise. No pen names are accepted.
Send your letters to: The Editor, MaltaToday, Newsworks Ltd,
Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 07, or e-mail:

Webmaster - Kevin Grech


MaltaToday celebrates 5 years
MaltaToday has multiplied eight-fold
“Readers appear fed up of being inflicted with press statements, a constant dose of party politics and spin doctoring. They are still interested in reading good news stories, but they want them to be well presented, articulately written and attractively illustrated. They want to read about society and about what is happening in the world around them And they cannot stand being preached to.”
So ran MaltaToday’s first editorial November 19, 1999, precisely 5 years ago .
MaltaToday was purposely launched as a Friday newspaper; it would later convert to a Sunday newspaper. It was a ploy concocted to avoid unnecessary competition from the giants published on a Sunday.
The front page of edition number one carried stories about ‘Corpses left in bed at Boffa hospital’, ‘No Air Malta flights after 10pm on New Year’s’Eve. Other stories interestingly covered the ‘9.2 million owed to MDC’, ‘Maltese will not be an official language’ and ‘We’re Arabs after all…’.
There were interviews with Joe Dimech, Jesmond Mugliet, John Lowell and footballer Joe Cilia.
The opinion pages were graced with Pierre Portelli, Miriam Dalli and MaltaToday editor then, as now, Saviour Balzan. A satirical column with the theme; ‘Where are they now’ took former Labour minister Joe Grima to task.
The 28 page newspaper also carried an colourful entertainment magazine called ‘This Week’ which has since been replaced.
Starting off with sales of less a thousand and struggling to break into the market, MaltaToday five years down the line has multiplied sales more than eight fold and is one of the leading Sunday newspapers. MaltaToday together with The Malta Business & Financial Times is owned and published by Newsworks Limited and both newspapers were one of the first to go online.

Business Times


Newsworks Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 02, Malta