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Current weather conditions


When unlawful homicide was killed by Nolle Prosequi

“A criminal case does not bring you back a dead person…” These were the mind-boggling words uttered by the former Attorney General Anthony Borg Barthet last year in a radio interview...


PN won’t publish election report after all

Tsunami orphans: Not the right time for adoption

Minimum wage rates rising... but Malta lags behind

Teachers and nurses join GWU protest as UHM opts out


Minister: Transport Authority’s Lm1,000 overtime “is a non-story”

Rift between pilots and Air Malta management brewing

Business as usual for Labour conference

New Maltese airline to start operating shortly

Mismanagement at FTS was source of concern at Finance Ministry

Hospitality costs for young immigrants total Lm7,300 monthly

Mater Dei construction is not a ‘health’ issue any more

MEP Grech enjoys Air Malta rebate flights, and Brussels picks up the bill

Gaming chairman defends employees’ past connection in industry

Blue flag hopeful tarnished by sewage leak

Funds granted to defunct radio station

Black smoke signals rising from Marsaskala

Another newspaper editor involved in controversial Castille email exchange

Better funds than containers, says Maltese mission head

Waste incineration in Gozo and Malta on Government’s future agenda

Maltese dismissed alongside Negroids by British Army

Lack of consultation led to confusion in eco-tax rates on plastic bags


A red dame in waiting
Marie-Louise Coleiro is the emotive but eloquent Labour spokesperson on social affairs. Here she talks about the past, present and future - by Kurt Sansone


Inspired by travel
Stephanie Borg was born in Malta in 1971 and is one of a rare breed of self taught artists who has managed to make a name for herself in the art world.


Maltese parastatal sells Lm0.9mn BOV stake to German bank

Doubts whether airport tax will prove to be revenue raiser

Electricity surcharge to be discussed on 19 January at MCESD

HSBC Life sets four per cent bonus rate for 2005



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Bad planning, u-turns and plastic bags
The latest U-turn on the rates of eco-taxation for plastic bags is indicative of a symptom which the current administration has made his hallmark.


Nolle Prosequi
Please read on, this is not an ugly quote from Nostradmus. - Saviour Balzan

The EU Constitution means Business
- Anna Mallia


Tony Formosa's world of sports
Hi-tech at the service of football


The truth about the Qui-si-sana development

Public transport – all pain and no pleasure

Mickey Mouse laws for bars and restaurants

The Insanity of abortion

Distortion of the facts about Sant Antnin

No reason why rugby should be flourish

The EU’s basic democratic problem

Letters to the Editor should be concise. No pen names are accepted.
Send your letters to: The Editor, MaltaToday, Newsworks Ltd,
Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 07, or e-mail:

Webmaster - Kevin Grech


MaltaToday celebrates 5 years
MaltaToday has multiplied eight-fold
“Readers appear fed up of being inflicted with press statements, a constant dose of party politics and spin doctoring. They are still interested in reading good news stories, but they want them to be well presented, articulately written and attractively illustrated. They want to read about society and about what is happening in the world around them And they cannot stand being preached to.”
So ran MaltaToday’s first editorial November 19, 1999, precisely 5 years ago .
MaltaToday was purposely launched as a Friday newspaper; it would later convert to a Sunday newspaper. It was a ploy concocted to avoid unnecessary competition from the giants published on a Sunday.
The front page of edition number one carried stories about ‘Corpses left in bed at Boffa hospital’, ‘No Air Malta flights after 10pm on New Year’s’Eve. Other stories interestingly covered the ‘9.2 million owed to MDC’, ‘Maltese will not be an official language’ and ‘We’re Arabs after all…’.
There were interviews with Joe Dimech, Jesmond Mugliet, John Lowell and footballer Joe Cilia.
The opinion pages were graced with Pierre Portelli, Miriam Dalli and MaltaToday editor then, as now, Saviour Balzan. A satirical column with the theme; ‘Where are they now’ took former Labour minister Joe Grima to task.
The 28 page newspaper also carried an colourful entertainment magazine called ‘This Week’ which has since been replaced.
Starting off with sales of less a thousand and struggling to break into the market, MaltaToday five years down the line has multiplied sales more than eight fold and is one of the leading Sunday newspapers. MaltaToday together with The Malta Business & Financial Times is owned and published by Newsworks Limited and both newspapers were one of the first to go online.

Business Times


Newsworks Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 02, Malta