Malta Today - August 2001

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Malta Today August 2001

Issue No. 93 | 26 August 2001

Local news: Tests on clothes key to investigation
Editorial: A cover-up or a farce?
Karmenu Vella

Issue No. 92 | 19 August 2001

Local news: Secret service provided with interception equipment gratis
Editorial: Revoke the Secret Services Act and stamp out the arrogance
Edward Mallia

Issue No. 91 | 12 August 2001

Local news: The threat of Malta’s Secret Service
Editorial: Why is foreign investment unsuitable this time, dear Alfred?
Peter Serracino Inglott

Issue No. 90 | 5 August 2001

Local news: The Tonio Borg Grech divide
Editorial: Why suicide is not an option?
Interview: Arnold Cassola

Newsworks Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 02, Malta