Many of those who have re-submitted your objections to the for the MEPA application 5301/2007 are receiving a response, by mail, from MEPA, which is very misleading.
It makes reference to the fact that you have missed the closing date for objections. The date referred to in the computer-generated letter is the original date of 11 November 2007.
The important paragraph is the final paragraph of the letter: “Kindly consider this letter as just an acknowledgement of your correspondence dated **/**/2008.” This information is confirmed by MEPA Mailroom Section as of Friday, 17 October 2008.
It is also confirmed that all originally recognised objections from the November 2007 submissions are valid and therefore still stand. I trust that this information clarifies the situation and allays your concerns.
Bernard Blagg
Ghaqda Residenti ta’ Santa Marija u Kortin