I recently attended two seminars intended mainly for members of the accountancy profession, board directors and other company officials: one organised by the Malta Institute of Accountants, and another by the Malta Forum of International Auditors. Both seminars focused on corporate governance.
The seminar organised by the MIA consisted of a two-hour lecture by Marlene Mizzi, who showed great proficiency in the subject – not an easy one by any standards – and great ability in delivering her presentation.
The second seminar organised by the MFIA, consisted of four very able speakers who focused on the international and local aspect of corporate governance. The chairperson of the seminar was Marlene Mizzi who again showed her knowledge of the subject matter and particularly of board matters. She chaired the event smoothly and efficiently contributing her input in addition to the speakers and who is very obviously comfortable in the chairperson’s role.
During coffee time, a discussion took place and questions arose: is it possible for the ministers in charge of our many boards and authorities not to have found a place for such capable person as Ms Mizzi on any of its boards?
Does the fact that one shows disagreement with the government on non-political issues disqualify one completely from boards of public entities? Is this not detrimental to the overall interest of the country?
Ms Mizzi would obviously be a valid member of any board, not only through her knowledge and experience of board matters, but also through her well-known feisty, straightforward character.
I am a sympathiser with the party in power, but when I witness such waste of talent I cringe at my own party-in-government, which is sending the wrong message. This country cannot waste human resources in this manner and we need to pull our socks and grow up if we want to compete with the more mature European counterparts, for whom petty politics are not at the forefront, as they seem to be with us.
John C. Debono CPA, MIM
St Paul’s Bay