The good news is that JPO has once again proven that next time round the only people who will be voting for him are my dog, budgerigar and most probably Edgar Galea Curmi: the man who has proven how magnanimous his administration is to those who do not see eye to eye with the PN. Really, I do not know why all this fuss over Mistra. Just see what Dolores has done at Hagar Qim. She will probably argue that it was not her doing. It never is, is it? You see, politicians – even the ones who ignore you – always take credit when there is credit to be taken.
Now before I do get all bitter and nasty, I really must declare that given a choice between Richard Cachia Caruana and Edgar Galea Curmi, I would opt for the former. Richard, after all, has a far more eloquent English accent.
Really the former personal assistant is a first class schemer, intelligent, loud and egocentric. I love such types as opposed to others who give you the impression that they are clones of Santa Maria Goretti.
But enough of this Galea Curmi bashing, he is after all doing his job when he implements political apartheid according to the new way of doing politics.
Right wing Joseph The other delightful news is the populist right wing message conveyed by Joseph Muscat at Caqnu’s vineyard. Caqnu, by the way, is that man who was bludgeoned, stir-fried, grilled and roasted by the Labour press for donkeys' years, until Muscat came along with his soft approach to chunky business.
Soft politics includes, among other things, appointing Joe (Peppi) Azzopardi to his ethics commission. This probably explains why Super One news and the rest of the press have become reminiscent of a Girl Guides bulletin.
When Muscat appointed Peppi to his commission, I was convinced that he had completely lost it.
Muscat is really trying hard to suck up to popular dissent on immigration. He described it as a national problem. I would rather call it a national phobia.
If there is a national problem it has to be the floods that follow every rainstorm. That is a national problem.
But Muscat, in his false wisdom, addressed the issue of immigration to entertain the phobia of many Labourites, who – let’s face it – are literally far more conservative and xenophobic than Nationalists.
I am sure we spend more paying private security firms at Mater Dei than the poor migrants that land on our shore.
I have to say I am impressed. I’m impressed by the way everyone is taking us for a ride.
The front-page story reads that Joseph Muscat is helping Joe Cuschieri to find a job. Yes, you heard right: find a job.
Now, I have absolutely every faith in Muscat’s words. But on this particular occasion really I think he should go and tell it to the marines.
Cuschieri’s absence from parliament will be felt the world over: his in-depth speeches, intellect and wide-ranging knowledge of things will sorely be missed. His political intuition and contribution to parliamentary bills? An irreplaceable loss to mankind...
Salary for my Goldfish So, it comes as a complete surprise that someone gives up his parliamentary seat to wake up the next morning to do… yes… nothing.
Nothing, in the sense that there is no income, no wage, no salary to cover the rising costs of the Tetra flakes for the Goldfish on the TV.
Go on, Joseph (C), tell us: what did the Labour party offer you?
Did they offer you a wage? A consultancy? Please do not tell us that you are still waiting for a job offer...
No worries, because if you really think the political class is disturbingly a let down... just listen to Archbishop Cremona’s volte-face.
Volte-face Yes volte-face. If I were a Catholic, I would write to the bishop and express my disappointment and inform him that I was registering with the Calvinists.
Last Monday’s Nazzjon read that the Church extended its loyalty to the State. Since when does a Church extend its loyalty to the State?
But Bishop Cremona did not stop there. He literally forgot what he had said a few days prior about his views of politicians and the three so-called evils – all in one – euthanasia, abortion and of course divorce.
Bishop Cremona’s revised view of the world stated that the Church would not bar the State if it came to reforming social policies.
If this is not a volte-face, then what is?
Now, one may argue that if the Church agrees to social reform, then we should welcome it. But this is not the point.
If Pope Benedict really cared about Malta he would recall the Bishop and give him a good dressing down.
I may disagree with what the bishop has to say about divorce but I cannot deny him his right to express his views. I still think that the State should care about all its citizens, but let us pray that come next Independence Day the bishop will stop uttering all this silly statements of loyalty to the State.
Last comment Which brings me to the last comment about Independence Day. Michael Falzon, the pro-PN columnist, was right in highlighting the lack of national feeling for Independence day... further exacerbated by the fact that the celebrations at the Independence memorial is only officially organised for the President and Prime Minister. Why is Labour left out?
Once again, Mr Galea Curmi should have had the sense to widen the invitation list. But then I should know: even invitation lists are censored by the Office of the Prime Minister. If only I know.
But I nearly forgot, the name of the game is apartheid.
Next week: Why do Maltese politicians love Jamaican holidays?
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