MaltaToday | 22 June 2008 | Labour could censure Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando in parliament

NEWS | Sunday, 22 June 2008

Labour could censure Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando in parliament

James Debono

Labour could be throwing the ball back in the Prime Minister’s court by presenting a motion of censure against Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, if Lawrence Gonzi stays silent while three men are arraigned over the award of a permit for a disco on land owned by Pullicino Orlando.
Labour leader Joseph Muscat has told MaltaToday the party “will keep all options open”, and did not exclude a motion to censure Pullicino Orlando’s role in the Mistra case (Interview – pages 10,11).
A motion of censure would force Gonzi to take a stand on Pullicino Orlando’s refusal to assume political responsibility for having lied when stating he knew nothing of the project earmarked over his land, which he leased to a third party.
Muscat insisted Gonzi owes the public an explanation: “It is unacceptable that the Prime Minister says he has nothing new to say after three persons are arraigned in court charged with different breaches of planning laws in such a high profile case. The people expect him to speak clearly on the political implications of this case.”
He expressed full trust in the Attorney General’s office, after the latter did not find any criminal liability for Pullicino Orlando, who is alleged to have put in personal store for the planning permit for a disco on his land.

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