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Top Story
Former Labour MP gets Lm550,000 for ‘lost’ home
Karl Stagno-Navarra
A prime property that has earned its owner Lm550,000 in compensation for damages sustained when government built the Delimara power station, is expected to be sold next week by a judicial sale on behalf of HSBC Bank, which is seeking to collect Lm126,705 from its owner, Alfred Baldacchino, the former Nationalist MP who shocked the country in the 1970s when he crossed the floor to join Labour.

Borg drops Falzon for his MLP namesake

Low turnout for Falzon’s meetings with district committees

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53 migrants lost at sea, 24 rescued, one dead in dramatic hours for AFM

Noisy Fort Cambridge project irks hoteliers

Malta looks for Madeleine after Interpol alert

Phenomenal 71% increase in HIV testing

VAT receipts on home loans expected to push prices up

Government considering amnesty on contractors’ ‘shareholder loans’

‘Stop ignoring reality on divorce’ – MLP candidate

35% of Maltese children are obese

Labour’s golf plans: a cart ride for what?

Maltese unions face uncertain future, says Prof. Zammit

AD councillor alleges human rights violations


Something’s got to give

Males commit 79% of recorded suicides

Across the Mediterranean
UNHCR liaison officer Neil Falzon tells Matthew Vella there is a potential for integration for asylum seekers in Malta, but limited opportunities and their insecure legal status makes it hard for them to seek it.


Hey Ho! The wind and the sun

EU hunting negotiations

‘I have full confidence in John Rizzo’

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Accountability on Mater Dei


I - sorry, we - will win
- Saviour Balzan

Priests and party politics
- Reno Borg

Don Quixote of Mile End
- Jeffery Pullicino Orlando

More excerpts from the ‘My Way Code’
- Raphael Vassallo






MediaToday Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 02, Malta
Managing Editor - Saviour Balzan
Webmaster - Kevin Grech