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Letters • December 26 2004

Divorce: defending the indefensible

Throughout the 26 and a half years that I’ve lived in Australia it has always intrigued me how the Maltese Catholic church, and a succession of governments, mostly Nationalists, have objected to the idea of divorce as a logical solution to annulling a legal union, in the presence of an existing machinery to annul a sacramental union.
The Roman Catholic church in Australia would never consider a case for annulment before the process of divorce, ‘decree nisi’ of the legal union.
Another consideration, as has been written about time and time again, is the trend that a growing percentage of couples may be choosing to marry outside the church, thereby having no resort to the Canon Law to seek an annulment.
It seems, to an expatriate, that the Catholic church in Malta and the government are only avoiding the unavoidable; and as for the present situation, they’re only defending the indefensible.

Lucy Calleja

Newsworks Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 02, Malta