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Letters • November 28 2004

Thanks from the OHSA

In the light of the debate in the House of Representatives regarding the financial estimates of the Occupational Health and Safety Authority, the Authority would like to express its appreciation to the honourable Members of Parliament from both sides of the House, for their interventions regarding its activity report and the way it operates.
OHSA noted with pleasure the numerous positive observations made by the honourable Members which in themselves are very encouraging to the Authority and its staff who, as rightly discussed yesterday, are operating with very limited resources.
The Authority also appreciated the constructive criticism passed and genuinely pledges to continue in its endeavour to accomplish its mission in the most effective and efficient way.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those individuals and entities that have co-operated with OHSA in the past and would once again like to appeal to all to take occupational health and safety to heart and put it in the highest place on their own agenda.

Dr Mark Gauci
Occupational Health and Safety Authority Chief
Executive Officer






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