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Letters • November 28 2004

21 year old ‘konvenju’

It was in 1983 that I was allocated a plot of land by the State on konvenju with the solemn promise that the final contract would be presented within five years. Right on the dot i.e. 1988, I started to communicate with the Lands department whose efficiency was reflected by the same number of acknowledgements. To cut a long story short I started to communicate with the Housing authority who claimed that the final contract (deed of emphyteusis) could not be presented as, quote, ‘the Housing Authority does not hold a legal title…..’ and yet in 1999 I was offered to redeem the ground rent on the land in question which I promptly accepted.
In 2004 I felt imprisoned in my own property, I felt that my freedom of movement was being restricted, I felt that my freedom to speculate in the real estate business was being tapped, I felt that my freedom to upgrade my life-style was at a bottle-neck, but worst of all I was getting worried that if ever I desperately needed cash I would not have been able to make use of my fixed capital. Therefore, as someone had suggested, I communicated with the Joint Office on August 2004 demanding for a solution to my problem and dilemma within 90 days. The Joint Office was surprised at receiving my somewhat harsh letter which was copied to the highest State Offices, but was prompt enough to reply that my letter was diverted to the Lands department and that personal interest had directed the Joint Office to investigate further resulting to the following conclusions as quoted, “ it transpires that, whereas as regards the directum dominium of this field, the deed of acquisition by Government has been published, the sale of the utile dominium of this field has yet not been concluded”.

I now ask the following questions:
1. Do we have a Government and administration for the people or vice versa?
2. Do I have to wait another 21 years for someone to start delivering and finally set my mind at rest?
3. Am I taking part in Woody Allen’s sequel Banana Republic ?
4. Am I not even entitled to a profound explanation together with an honest estimate as to when the final contract will be presented?

Mario Genovese

Newsworks Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 02, Malta