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Letters • November 28 2004

God’s President and Bin Laden – the messengers from God?

Just before the US election date, on Sunday 31 October, I read a very long report by Ron Suskind, (a former Senior Reporter for Wall Street, now a top journalist for observer review) about Bush’s strong evangelical religious beliefs, where he hinted that if “The religious Americans came out in their millions to vote, then Bush will definitely be returned to power.”
President Bush has always relied on this evangelistic group that fanatically believes “that Bush is their Leader and the messenger of God.” Ron Suskind also predicated that if Bush wins, there will be a ‘Civil War’ in the ranks of the Republican Party.
The obvious reason for this is because all over the world the main argument now is: “the battle between modernists and fundamentalists; pragmatics and true believers; reason and religion.” Somehow this type of fanaticism reminds me of the 1960’s in Malta and the French Revolution.
In the world of today we have two ‘powerful men.’ One is a President who boasts that by remaining resolute and firm and strong, this world will be peaceful.
Another ‘powerful leader’ is Bin Laden who equally stands by his beliefs that the world would be safer without the ‘oppressing Americans’ and their ‘lap dogs’.
In my opinion these are both dangerous men and the world is in for another very long period of bombings, assassinations, sufferings and destruction. Unfortunately, nothing will be achieved except death and bankruptcies. Let’s wait and see. Surely there must be a different way to do politics.

Jean Agius

Newsworks Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 02, Malta