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Business • November 28 2004

Portfolio diversification with New Star

In a world where financial markets are continuously changing, potential as well as existing investors must always bear in mind the cardinal rule of holding a well diversified portfolio. The fundamental reasons for this is that financial markets do not work in tandem. Certain equity markets may be performing well whilst others less well. This also hold true for the different types and classifications of bonds. The fundamental reason behind diversification is that it permits risk reduction whilst still maintaining the same level of return.
Given the above realities, investors must hold a portfolio that is generally balanced between the dual objectives of capital growth and provision of income where required by the investor. To do so one must seek the well managed equity and bonds funds that are available on the market.
New Star Investment Funds provide such solutions.

New Star UK Dynamic Fund (£ and $ Class)
The New Star UK Dynamic Fund aims to provide investors with long-term capital growth principally through investment in the securities of UK companies. The fund manager (Tim Bray) has extensive global equity experience gained through more than 19 years with New Star Institutional Managers including more than 11 years’ experience of investing in the UK. He manages more than US$300 million of UK assets for blue chip institutional clients globally.

New Star Japan Recovery Fund (£, yen and $ Class)
The fund aims to provide investors with long-term capital growth principally through investment in the securities of Japanese companies. The fund managers both Michelle Sanders and Alastair MacGregor have a proven track record. Michelle has specialised in the Japanese market for 15 years, bringing to her investing a particular understanding of global technology, and has worked for New Star Institutional Managers for 10 years. Alastair has six years’ experience of Japanese equities. He was previously Japanese hedge fund manager and head of risk management at Balfour Capital and joined New Star Institutional Managers in 2001.

New Star European Growth Fund (£, EUR and $ Class)
The New Star European Growth Fund aims to provide investors with long-term capital growth principally through investment in the securities of European companies (excluding the United Kingdom). Richard Pease is head of European equities at New Star. He is rated as the UK's number one European fund manager by Citywire, for his exceptional five-year track record. He was formerly head of European equities at Jupiter Asset Management, where he was manager of the top performing European UK mutual fund between 1990 and 2000. In total, he has more than 15 years' experience in managing European equities.

New Star Strategic Government Bond Fund (£ and $ Class)
The New Star Strategic Government Bond Fund aims to give investors long-term returns from both income and capital growth principally through global securities. The fund managers Theodora Zemek joined New Star in November 2002 as Head of Fixed Income (Strategy). Prior to that she was head of global fixed income at M&G and Chief Investment Officer of M&G International. Simon Ward is Investment Strategist at New Star and is co- fund manager of the fund. He has 18 years’ experience of financial markets and prior to joining New Star he was Senior Economist with Lombard Street Research, one of the most prestigious analytical firms in London.
For more information on New Star’s investment vehicles, call Jesmond Mizzi Financial Services Ltd on Freephone 800 7 2206; Tel 21 224 410 or email:

This information has been issued by Jesmond Mizzi Financial Services Limited which is licensed to conduct investment services by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA). New Star Global Investment Funds Plc of Fleming Court, Fleming Place, Dublin 4 Ireland, is regulated by the Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority. The Fund and the four sub-funds of the fund are authorized pursuant to the EC (UCITS) regulations and can be marketed in Malta. The sub funds are primary listed on the Malta Stock Exchange. Investors should not invest in a fund before reading the prospectus as well annual/semi annual reports. The value of the investment may fall as well as rise and investors may not get the amount originally invested. Exchange rate fluctuations may adversely affect the value of investments and any income (where applicable) derived there from. The sub funds may invest in investments that entail higher risk than other types of investments. More information can be obtained from the Representative, Jesmond Mizzi Financial Services Limited.

Newsworks Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 02, Malta