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Letters • November 7 2004

This is the Europe none of us should vote for

It with great disbelief that one reads what Mr Saviour Balzan has the gull to dish out in MaltaToday (31October 04) in his article ‘The Europe I Did Not Vote For.’
Mr Balzan actually criticizes David Casa and Simon Busuttil for supporting Mr Buttiglione’s right to personal beliefs and opinions.
Mr Saviour Balzan should know, as indeed he undoubtedly does, that homosexual rights and marriage laws do not fall within the competence of the EU parliament. It is up to each individual member state to legislate and regulate the legal fabric governing homosexuality, marriage and abortion.
Notwithstanding this, Europe’s Socialists, Greens, Communists, Liberals and the rest of the left-wingers chose to chastise Buttiglione for expressing his beliefs. It is, to say the least, machiavellian to ask a devout catholic what he thinks of divorce or abortion when one already knows the answer. This is what happened when the MEP Committee examining Barroso’s Commission was grilling Buttiglione. What did they expect out of Buttiglione on homosexuality and women’s rights? An outright lie? This was the basest form of entrapment, a set-up reminiscent of the Soviet era.
Europe, our beloved Europe, has sadly been hijacked by communists disguised as Greens, Socialists and Liberals, whose only motive is to continue where the anachronistic Eurocommunists left off after their crashing defeat together with their Soviet allies at the hands of the forces of democracy in the late eighties and early nineties.
Now radicals who used to rub shoulders with the Italian Red Brigades, the French Action Directe, the German Baader-Meinhof clan and their ilk are back to haunt us, this time dressed in sheep’s clothing: as champions of democracy and universal tolerance.
Poor Mr Saviour Balzan is just one of their blinded victims. These traitors have convinced the unsuspecting public that it’s undemocratic and politically incorrect to criticise Muslim intolerance or the slow suffocating encroachment by foreigners in Europe. They actually call you a racist if you as much as raise a finger for our traditional rights, particularly if the offending party happens to be of another skin colour or, worse still, a Muslim. They call you ‘intolerant’ if you profess your Christian beliefs in public; Christian principals, once professed take the form of some sort of despotic credo and you are derided as a fascist, a Nazi and sometimes (and here they would be careful lest their camouflage slips off) a reactionary. They have cleverly seen to it through carefully devised press laws to shut up the thousands who have had enough of this travesty and want their Europe back.
Thank God for people like Buttiglione who did not have to deny his beliefs for an empty political career. I appeal to all our MEP’s not to fear to voice their opinion and disregard what nowadays they call ‘political correctness:’ this is nothing but a wily trap devised to advance the neo-communists’ political agenda.
Let us all hope that we will not have to liberate Europe once again.

Martin Farrugia

Newsworks Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 02, Malta