Last Sunday I was amused to read in the MaltaToday that WasteServe admits that the Waste Recycling Plant at Marsascala is emitting unpleasant smells. Whenever residents inquired regarding the intolerable smells, the reply was that the smells are originating from the manure in the nearby fields.
WasteServe Management can not say that the smell has always been there.
Some parts of Marsascala, Zejtun and nearby settlements have never experienced these sickening unpleasant odours. It is only from 1 May when the Maghtab waste tip was closed and the Recycling Plant started to receive a greater input that the smells emitted have reached an intolerable level.
This is at its worse when the bags are being opened and the wind is blowing in your direction.
Waste recycling plants should not emit unpleasant odours if operations follow the legal framework.
Wast Serve Management say that an Environment Impact Assessment is being compiled.
They know very well that it should have been handed in many months ago. If the company is not in a position to carry out its duties well, let others do it. Now that we are in the EU, one significant step forward has been made, we have the right to enjoy clean fresh air, free from any type of pollution.
R Buhagiar,