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Letters • October 24 2004

Rehabilitation of Quarries

In reply to MaltaToday’s statement (MaltaToday 10 October) regarding the temple quarries, WasteServ Malta Ltd would like to reiterate that the quarries at Tal-Maghlaq/Qasam il-Kbir have been excluded from being developed into engineered landfills. One major aspect in this regard was the preference of our Government to develop the interim engineered facility for the non-inert waste at Zwejra, limits of Maghtab.
The commitment made by Government to restore these quarries which are presently an eyesore in the surrounding landscape, is still to be pursued. This is more so when the EIA studies have revealed that the disturbance in the natural ground surface has redirected the flow of rain water, creating damage and additional stability risks to the structures in the area.
WasteServ has revised its application to pursue the rehabilitation of quarries using inert material and all the necessary MEPA permitting procedures are being followed.
Dr Christopher Ciantar
Head Strategy
WasteServ Malta Ltd
St Venera




Newsworks Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 02, Malta