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Letters • September 12 2004

In the Centre of St Paul’s Bay

We are infested with a vast amount of cockroaches and what is even worse is that a lot of rats reign over the neighbourhood. To crown it all, there is regularly a bad drainage odour all along the pavement.
Several reports have been lodged at the local council; the clerk promise that the mayor would call to investigate. Maybe he forgot to do so, or shall we stick to what was written in a Sunday’s magazine: “anarchy… this is to be applied to St Paul’s Bay council”? So much for the local council, that says it all.
We have attempted to lodge reports at the Health Inspector’s local office. There the issue of rats and bad drainage odour seems to be a hot potato. None of the officers wanted to process the report saying that their responsibilities are in other fields but not in the inspection of drainage and the presence of rats. We asked for the officer who is in charge of the field or our complaints but it seems that s/he is a ghost or that s/he does not report to work for we do not find her/him on the premises.
To add insult to injury, one of the officers at the Health Inspector’s local office deemed it fit to adopt an impolite behaviour. Meanwhile, cockroaches, rats and bad drainage odours linger on, and we pay substantial sums of money from our salaries for taxes.

C Sammut
St Paul’s Bay






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