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Letters • August 15 2004

Public Broadcasting according to Fr. Joe

I refer to the interview Fr Joe Borg gave to your journalist Karl Schembri on the restructuring of Public Broadcasting (MaltaToday 8 August).
I do not really know whether I should have laughed or cried when I read the media expert’s remarks to the pertinent questions posed to him by Karl Schembri.
Fr Joe gives credit to Austin Gatt for the restructuring. But, who at the end of the day failed Louis Galea when he was responsible for broadcasting. Has Fr Joe forgotten that some five or six years ago Louis Galea hired him (at an undisclosed remuneration) specifically, to see to the implementation of the said restructuring?
Amongst the many things that Fr Joe avoided was, that since establishing an editorial board, complaints and protests kept coming in. In fact, since he was upgraded to chairman of this board, a matter of a few months ago, there were at least four complaints, which included also the office of the Prime Minister.
I am positive that some person that meets Fr Joe’s expectations will soon be traced to take up the post of news manager.
Fr Joe put the cherry on the cake when he insisted that his relation with the Archbishop is very good. As if to rub it into the mind of your readers he felt it necessary to repeat this statement twice, at the end of the interview.
Like a mature politician Fr Joe denied the possibility of his leaving the priesthood. He made me recall the instance of the UK Exchequer some year back, when he denied that his government was considering devaluing the Sterling. He also gave the journalists a laugh while denying the rumour. The next morning sterling was devalued by about 14 percent.
How can a cleric persist with breaking the vows of obedience, he made on joining the priesthood, and yet he says his relations with the Archbishop is very good. How can he persist with giving the impression that the archbishop is in the wrong.

John G. Borg-Bartolo





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