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Letters • August 15 2004

Is heterosexual society under siege?

The main Opposition spokesman on Foreign Affairs, Evarist Bartolo, referred to his participation and to that of other Deputies in the ‘Gay Parade’ that was held a few days ago. Besides his participation in this manifestation, Mr Evarist Bartolo felt that his participation had to be brought up and to be justified in Parliament. Furthermore, as had been reported in the papers, Mr Bartolo said this showed that there is a trend in this direction of acceptance and he, moreover, encouraged the ‘Gay Rights Movement’ for their exemplary work, while he also appealed for more public support.
I understand that as an individual citizen, Mr Bartolo has all the right to associate himself with and support whichever Society or Movement he desires. However, I believe, that as a personality who enjoys a certain public reputation of integrity and calibre (even politically); Mr Bartolo may be misinterpreted and misunderstood.
I would like to make it clear from the start that I do not have anything against homosexuals (and I strongly believe that I have no right to) although I would not like to be associated to this Movement, as I do not see any reason for the existence of such. I am sure that the majority of homosexuals are good people who want to be left alone – and this is a rightful claim.
However, I believe that that’s were the whole issue should end.
Why should the individual sexual orientation of anybody be publicly flaunted, manifested and celebrated? Should heterosexual also go out and celebrate their personal sexual orientation? Can’t we realise that the privacy, intimacy and love in the sexual act, of whatever orientation, are being publicly ridiculed? Once robbed of its privacy, intimacy, sentiment and affection, what value is left of the sexual act?
Very often, these homosexuals depict themselves as some kind of victims of nature, while then they seek others of a different sexual orientation. Gay activists (I don’t know why they should be activists and not simply ‘pacifists’ enjoying their sexual orientation) pretend that they are seeking ‘tolerance’ and ‘equality’, but privately they admit that their hidden agenda is to reshape society in their own image. They don’t care how much harm they do.
“Heterosexual hegemony is being eroded,” writes Gary Kinsman (The Regulation of Desire: Sexuality in Canada) while Allen Young, a pioneer of the Gay Liberation Movement, says that, “In a free society, everyone will be gay.”
Gays have waged their war with impunity by asserting ‘victim’ status. Straights (heterosexuals) can’t even defend their sexual orientation for fear of ‘homophobia’ (discrimination against homosexuality) or ‘sexism.’ These days, anyone who does not want to be gay is ‘homophobic.’
Why have ‘straights’ passively endured this attack? Only for fear of being accused of discrimination or of sexual harassment. As heterosexuals, we cannot explore our sexuality because homosexuals may be ‘uncomfortable.’ This has led to the demoralization of society. We cannot celebrate men as masculine and women as feminine. We do not celebrate heterosexual love, the greatest gift that life offers us. This daily denial of our sexual identity amounts to persecution. It used to be ‘live and let live.’ Now gay and feminist activities will not let us live.
Rejecting the homosexual model is not ‘intolerance’ or ‘hatred.’ It is defending our natural birthright, and our families.

Joseph M Cachia





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