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Letters • July 11 2004

Jobs on the decrease

The number of full-time gainfully employed last February decreased by 1,757 when compared to the same month of last year, according to figures released by the National Statistics Office yesterday.
NSO said that while the administrative records of the Employment and Training Corporation indicated an increase of 142 people in the full-time gainfully employed last February, there was still a decrease of 1,757 full-time workers over the previous year.
Employment in private direct production increased by 90 people over January 2004 but decreased by 1,551 people over the previous year.
The private market services sector increased its employment levels by 118 workers last February when compared to the previous month – an increase of 482 people when compared to the previous year.
Also, hotel and catering establishments increased 24 full-time workers while activities in wholesale and retail trade increased jobs for 48 full-timers over last January.
The public sector saw a decrease of 67 employees on its books last February as opposed to January, bringing the total decrease of public sector employees from the previous year down by 605 workers.
Meanwhile, ETC’s administrative records also showed that there were 18,696 people whose part-time job was their primary occupation last February, while 15,304 people held a part-time job in addition to their full-time employment.
A total of 4,092 people whose part-time job is their primary occupation work in hotels and catering establishments, while 3,032 part-timers work in the wholesale and retail trade.
Government employs 1,700 part-timers whose part-time job is their primary occupation.
Last January ETC had 8,830 people registered as unemployed: 6,971 men and 1,859 women, with unemployment rate standing at 6.1 per cent of the total labour supply.





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