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Letters • July 04 2004

The dangers of New Age

It can safely be said that the ‘New Age’ is currently known worldwide. In fact, the ideas of ‘New Age’ are quite numerous and they are, not only doing a lot of harm but they are all based on archaic heresies such as those of the so-called ‘Manichaeism,’ whose followers believe in the stars and maintain the Christian era is all but gone and that there is a need to create a new consciousness and a new mode of reasoning.
These people believe that we were in the time of ‘Pisces’ - The Fish, the so-called symbol of Christianity. This time is now past and we are currently in the time of ‘Aquarius’ – Water. Such beliefs have influenced even the music composed by certain musicians so that this so-called ‘Watery Music’ has been created. This type of music is apparently a means of relaxation and which according to them, transports a person away from the reality of life.
In Malta there was once an exhibition with about 30 stands of different paraphernalia. The aim behind the exhibition was to promote the idea of a new and perfect world, which, as we all know is a somewhat difficult, if not impossible to achieve. There are currently millions of ‘New Agers’ together with numerous books and magazines where it is different to trace the meaning behind them.
Yet, in the so-called ‘New Consciousness,’ one would see the world in a different manner; for example in music, crystals, pendulums and so on, which, in themselves are quite harmless. However, given time, one may see religion in a different light and without any significance, even when we know that Jesus Christ is the Only Way, The Only true Way to salvation.
A number of meetings and forums are held with the slogan that these are held in a psychological atmosphere. Yet, these exercises are such that, any innocent participant is easily deceived. This type of religion is based on Buddhism and an element of the occult is somehow amalgamated. Such practices are profitable in a sinister way.
Buddhism teaches that everything is a god-Tanteism. Buddhists insists that one has an inward power which needs to be developed, so that one is god himself and that it is not an inward power when one prays to God. In such a situation one is forced to think, by sinister forces, that one is his own god.
In the sixties, there was euphoria for mysticism, where a number of persons went to India to practice various forms of meditation. Others indulge in Buddhism, Hinduism and Yoga, the so-called Transcendental Meditation which unfortunately led many to other anti-Christian religions. The end result is that such practices do not lead to God, but they are a convenient sinister way to lead the adepts into desperation, uneasiness and oblivion.
Another concept of ‘New Age’ is that of self-concentration, in which a person is compelled to forget everything around him and lives in an empty and void mind. This often leads to corrupt ideas which indirectly prey on ‘pure’ minds, with adverse effects.
There are currently health centres, both in Malta and abroad, where for example, massage is applied on the ‘patient,’ whilst meditation is practised simultaneously.
These practices may have an ill-effect on the participants who are unwary of their adverse influences. The people who run these health centres are healing amateurs who think that they are using their manual energy and speech to ‘cure’ the patient, who has, no doubt, disbursed large sums of money.
To-date no one has ever been cured of a serious ailment. There is also belief that such practices open up one’s ‘chakras’ or point in the body that touch one’s soul so that at this stage one is open to other malevolent spirits that are capable of distorting one’s reasoning and fall prey to them easily.
A number of youngsters as well as adults have a habit of meddling with spirits. Spiritism that is practised in ‘New Age’ is ultimately presented in a form of shows on TV as if no harm is being done and anything goes. The influence that such shows have on certain innocent people is enormous and has led many to accept and follow this deceitful religion. Moreover, they also mention Christ as a ‘spiritual guide.’ Others prefer to mention the ‘Guardian Angel;’ but it is not the Guardian Angel that Christians believe in. It is an ‘angel’ that has been invented by them.
They also maintain that we use only a small part of our brain. Therefore if we are capable of developing our brain to its full capacity, then we are equal to God. The way that they represent God is that He is everything in every body, that is man himself and the world – Pantheism.
There are also fantasy games, horoscopes, palmistry and tarot cards which are widely used by them. They also believe in the rainbow as an alternative medicine. Apart from this they also practise ‘psychic healing’ or healing by means of the power of the mind.
It is a pity that these people are trying to find salvation in them or by means of futile methods which lead to nowhere. They are confusing people’s minds and this is what they are after. If you are drowning and cannot swim you need someone to save you!
At the end of the day Satan’s interest is for us to lose our souls to eternal damnation. He does everything in his power to drive us away from God – who is the only way to salvation.
‘He that hath ears to hear let him hear.’

M Micallef





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