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Letters • May 23 2004

Involvement of priests in politics

The bishops have, again, expressed their concern at priests who, despite the church’s condemnation of their involvement in party politics, persist in disregarding the church’s directives.

It is indeed true that the black sheep within the Curia compound could perhaps be counted on the tips of one’s fingers, but it is equally true that these sheep are committed to both sides of the political camps.

More often then not, while certain priests are silenced for their political involvement, others are not. Why? Is one to understand that the Curia is using two weights and two measures with its smart clerics?

I believe that the Curia is closing an eye to too many issues, be they political or otherwise, which could bring it to disrepute. What action has the Curia taken to stop, say, priests from writing unsigned articles in the media? Have they ever been made to declare, on oath, to refrain from such a practice? Neither should clerics accept political appointments unless, of course, there is the consensus of both political parties.

Is it not high time that the Curia exercises its authority, and brings to book those clerics who are not living the church’s teachings up to expectations?

John G Borg-Bartolo FCIB








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