When we vote on June the 12 this year, we will not be voting to elect members to our local parliament but to the European parliament. There is a great difference here even though most of the voters do not know it. We want persons who are elected with enough vision, knowledge and know-how, and who have Malta and its people at the core of their heart. We don’t want elected EU parliamentarians who purely follow their political policies. If this were the case, Malta and its people would suffer considerably.
All floating and traditionalist MLPN voters should vote for Arnold Cassola on this very special occasion because he has all the experience and qualities of an EU Parliamentarian. In addition, he is a man who uses his power to invite people unlike the MLPN parliamentarians who do their utmost to bring about a political divide.
Don’t fail him in the upcoming EU elections because if you do, you’re only be complaining later. Isn’t that what everyone is doing with our present MLPN parliamentarians?
Leonard Schembri