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MaltaToday - Malta’s fastest growing newspaper

Readership of MaltaToday grew by a staggering 152 percent in under twelve months. This is the conclusion of a survey carried out by ‘Informa’ consultants. The survey confirms that MaltaToday is the fastest growing newspaper on the island with 4.3 percent of the newspaper market share compared to the 6.4 percent of it’s main rival, The Malta Independent on Sunday.
MaltaToday stood at 1.7 percent a year ago. The survey was carried out after the elections. MaltaToday’s increased readership is reflected in this newspaper’s sales records which have shot up during the last year. The Malta Independent on Sunday dropped by 6 percent during the same period.

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The opportune moment

Now is the opportune time to address our political class and to beg them to stop wasting our time. Since time immemorial the dockyards have been the centre of our political battles and tugs of war...


Rapped on your knuckles

Go back to the time when the judges were appointed and not to what the Appeals Court had to say, Saviour Balzan writes ...


Beneficiaries in Tomorrow’s schools direct orders that hail from Minister’s constituency

Matthew Vella
MaltaToday’s investigations in the issuing of direct orders by the Foundation of Tomorrow’s Schools has revealed that 16 companies and individuals hailing from the two electoral districts which Education Minister Louis Galea contests were awarded direct orders.

BICAL Scandal

The BICAL saga in chronological order

Breaking BICAL – how controllers dismembered Pace’s empire

Ghidoli confirms – our shares were sold to Cecil Pace

How Parliament let the BICAL Controllers off the hook

Ten aiming for Labour Euro-MP posts

Ten Labour activists are vying for the eight candidatures the Party will be fielding for the European Parliament elections in June next year...

Loucifer’s mass a doubtful affair

Kurt Sansone
A 25-year-old satanist who identified himself with MaltaToday pointed out a number of inconsistencies in the black mass featured during the two-part series of Bondiplus on the same subject...

Doubts shed on black mass footage

Kurt Sansone
Experts in the field of camerawork have shed serious doubts on the authenticity of the black mass footage aired on Bondiplus, which the producers claimed was a clandestine filming by an infiltrator...

Retaking Chambray contemplated by Government

Julian Manduca
The government is actively looking at the possibility of retaking the land at Chambray, where a multi-million liri tourism complex lies unfinished and immobile, MaltaToday has learned...

Nothing new with revelation of Broadcasting Authority ‘secret’ TV survey

Kurt Sansone
If the news published by MaltaToday last week that certain TV producers could have known the dates of the Broadcasting Authority’s ‘secret’ audience survey, came as a surprise for BA officials, not the same can be said for people in the media...

EU funds obtained for rehabilitation of Maghtab and other dumps

The waste landfills at Maghtab, Qortin and Wied Fulija are set to be rehabilitated with EU funds, minister Ninu Zammit revealed to MaltaToday...

MLP administrative elections: candidates enter last lap

Kurt Sansone
It’s the last four days of campaigning for the contestants of the various administrative posts and the national executive of the Labour Party.



High times at the interior

Tonio Borg should be the left’s favourite Christian-Democrat. Here he gives MATTHEW VELLA the blessing on offering a drag on that spliff...


On the Spot... Fabrizio Faniello

Fabrizio Faniello is one of Malta’s top singers with a string of hits both here and abroad. He lets us interrupt his hectic schedule and spares us a few minutes for a quick chat...

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