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MaltaToday - Malta’s fastest growing newspaper

Readership of MaltaToday grew by a staggering 152 percent in under twelve months. This is the conclusion of a survey carried out by ‘Informa’ consultants. The survey confirms that MaltaToday is the fastest growing newspaper on the island with 4.3 percent of the newspaper market share compared to the 6.4 percent of it’s main rival, The Malta Independent on Sunday.
MaltaToday stood at 1.7 percent a year ago. The survey was carried out after the elections. MaltaToday’s increased readership is reflected in this newspaper’s sales records which have shot up during the last year. The Malta Independent on Sunday dropped by 6 percent during the same period.

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Reform, reform or be damned

There has to be a limit to blaming Labour for the perilous situation in many of the government owned companies and institutions...


Down memory lane

Saviour Balzan is back with comments on George Abela, peadophilia and satansim...


MaltaToday Exclusive

Contract terminated for Tomorrow’s Schools CEO in direct order scandal

Lm400,000 to 57 private companies awarded in 16 months

Matthew Vella
Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools’ (FTS) CEO Alfred Ferrante has had his contract terminated following a MaltaToday investigation into the abusive issuing of direct orders by the foundation which is the Ministry of Education’s arm responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of schools....

BICAL Scandal

The Grand Hotel Excelsior – the vultures come to feast

In the long run of the BICAL saga, MaltaToday’s coverage has revealed the extent of an indiscriminate and systematic dissipation of the former BICAL bank assets.

President indicates intention to stand as MEP

By a staff reporter
The President of the Republic, Guido De Marco, has indicated to close aides his intention of standing for the European parliamentary elections. He hopes to be one of many Nationalist candidates, but close aides confirmed with MaltaToday that the Nationalist party was not too happy with his intentions...

PN offers Alfred Sant a helping hand

Next Wednesday the man who for fifty years or more demonised the Nationalists and whose polices destroyed the lives of so many Nationalist families, will walk into the Nationalist HQ as a guest in a TV show to be hosted by another man who made it his pastime to trample over the Nationalists.

Stalemate at Chambray

Developers will have to re-apply for permits

Julian Manduca
The development at Chambray in Gozo has come to a grinding halt, MaltaToday has learned. For at least six months the project has been on hold because the planning permit has lapsed as the developers were not able to meet all the permit conditions, signalling that the entire project is once again facing troubled waters...

Health authorities ‘to pay’ for medical treatment abroad if …

Kurt Sansone
After Malta joins the EU in May next year, Maltese health authorities will be liable to pay for treatment abroad when there is an ‘undue delay’ in treating the patient in Malta...

Louis Galea expresses a cautious interest in the PN leadership

Education minister Dr Louis Galea has expressed a cautious interest in the leadership of the Nationalist Party, MaltaToday can confirm. Following Prime Minister Dr Eddie Fenech Adami’s announcement that he will not be the leader of the PN to face the next elections, Galea has shifted his position on the leadership issue. ..



State schools will be as good as the others

Education minister Louis Galea has arguably one of the most important and difficult jobs on the island. Over the years state schools have always been thought of as inferior to church and private ones, but as Julian Manduca found out Galea is determined to change all that


On the spot.. Mark Anastasi

Art in the form of painstakingly carved new globigerina limestone is the hallmark of Mark Anastasi’s exhibition at Cleland & Souchet, Portomaso, St Julian’s.

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